Free Food Banks in San Diego's Democratic Party-Controlled neighborhoods of City Heights, North Park and Hillcrest Are Coronavirus Nightmares Waiting To Happen

Free Food Banks in San Diego's Democratic Party-Controlled neighborhoods of City Heights, North Park and Hillcrest Are Coronavirus Nightmares Waiting To Happen. Democrat City Council Members Georgette Gomez and Chris Ward, California State Assembly Member Todd Gloria, California State Assembly Member Lorena Gonzalez and California State Senator Toni Atkins who represent the districts where these particular communities are located have been completely absentee in addressing the huge gatherings of high risk, potential carriers of the Coronavirus at the Free Food Banks located throughout their districts.

I have captured dozens of photographs of the filthy, disgusting and deplorable conditions at the Mid-City Nazarene Church which serves as a free food bank. There was human feces, urine and other waste on the church property in addition to dozens of empty food boxes, dirty mops, used condoms, cigarette butts, drug paraphernalia, mold, trash, homeless squatters and decaying, gross structural damage to the church property. The emergency situation at this food bank and others in City Heights, North Park and Hillcrest centers around the fact that hundreds of Asian residents from China, Vietnam, Thailand and Laos pack themselves into these particular food banks whenever they are open. Their hygiene is terrible, they refuse to speak English, they are very uncooperative and disrespectful to pedestrians walking past them on the sidewalk as they block the sidewalks and refuse to move out of the way, none of them obey the rules or laws which forbid any one person from receiving free food from more than one free food bank. There are dozens, probably hundreds, of these Asian "professional" "food bankers" where they go from one food bank to the next one getting huge quantities of free food, they load it onto personal carts and head out to the next free food bank on their list. Then they often trade the food or sale it some times to unregulated street grocery stores that cater only to the ethnicity of that particular street population.

These are not people who are going to disclose that they are ill out of fear of being quarantined. If they flaunt the rules regulating food bank participation then what makes anyone think they are going to disclose their travels or contact with other infected people? Even worse, there is no way of determining if any of them have had relatives who recently came from China or Vietnam or Laos or Thailand or other highly infected areas of southeast Asia OR if they have recently traveled to casinos or other cities like San Francisco where there are growing numbers of Coronavirus-infected people or highly used laundromats and grocery stores. These people could end up spreading the virus to hundreds of San Diego residents at these food banks, public buses and elsewhere IF THEY HAVEN'T DONE IT ALREADY!

The Mid-City Nazarene Church in City Heights

 The shocking conditions of the Nazarene Church in Mid-City are made all the more outrageous considering the fact that Point Loma Nazarene University has an endowment of $37,360,494 and millions upon millions of dollars have been spent "beautifying" the church-affiliated campus AND the primary Nazarene Church in the Point Loma area of San Diego has boatloads of money while they ignore the catastrophic conditions of it's sister church in City Heights.

There is approximately 15 miles that separates City Heights and its Asian, African American and Hispanic populations from the cushy, comfortable and luxurous Point Loma Nazarene University campus and its modern, air conditioned suburban Nazarene Church. Distance isn't the only thing that separates the City Heights Nazarene Church and the church in Point Loma. RACE is a very serious problem and component in this story and it exposes the utter hypocrisy of PLNU and it's "missions" programs to the rest of the world. Needless to say, when one takes a look at the racial composition of the wealthy Nazarene Church in Point Loma and then one compares that to the 70 different countries and various ethnic groups representing the members of the Mid-City Nazarene Church and the population of City Heights it can make one nauseous and disgusted. However, now is not the time to allow the hypocrisy and bigotry of Point Loma Nazarene University and its Point Loma Nazarene Church to stand in the way from addressing the emergency situation occurring at the free food banks in City Heights, North Park and Hillcrest.

Staff at Church of the Nazarene in Point Loma

Board Members of the Church of the Nazarene in Point Loma

Most disturbing of all is the Coronavirus alerts and updates which are featured on the main page of the Point Loma Nazarene University website. These suburbanite Nazarenes in Point Loma have not shared the same concern about the Coronavirus in City Heights.

The front doors of the Church of the Nazarene in Mid-City in City Heights

Empty food boxes set out for days behind the church in City Heights

Filthy, dirt-filled parts of the outside of the church contain old, decaying food, cigarette butts and other trash.

Human feces lay on the outside of the church on church property in City Heights for days in the same area where the free food bank is located.

The unsecured Stairwell of Doom on the church property in City Heights where prostitutes turn tricks and drug addicts do drugs. This church is a hell hole NOT a place where God is honored.

Dirty, filthy mop and bucket left outside the church building where the free food bank is located.

Human feces, urine, bodily fluids, used condoms, drug paraphernalia, decaying food and a decaying church structure were photographed in an unsecured stairwell on the church property. This deplorable filth stayed this way for months and months and months while the free food bank is open.

A close up photo shows the piles of human feces at the bottom of the stairwell. Even more disturbing is the fact that someone at the church covered the feces with dirt instead of cleaning it up.

Spider webs, exposed insulation that is busting through decayed paint and the ceiling hole leading to the inside of church.

Homeless squatters camp out in the middle of the day where people line up to get free food from the food bank operating at the church.

Urine and stench, empty balloons that once contained heroin, used condoms and broken cigarette lighters were photographed and seen throughout the church property in City Heights.

The stained glass windows were broken with holes for years at the front of the church. This is where hundreds and hundreds of free food bank recipients block the sidewalks for years, preventing pedestrians from walking through them on the sidewalk UNTIL the church very recently moved the lines to the side of the church.

Holes through gated mesh portions of the church allow rodents and other disease carrying animals to nest inside of the church property where the free food bank is located.

That is urine running down the stairs on the outside of the church where the free food bank is located.


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