
Showing posts from 2020

VIDEO SERIES BY CITIZEN JOURNALIST JAMES HARTLINE 📽 The Slumlords of San Diego: San Diego Democrats Turn Their City Council Districts Into City Dumps - PART 1: San Diego City Council District 9 Slumlord Democrat Georgette Gomez.

The Slumlords of San Diego:  San Diego Democrats  Turn Their City Council  Districts Into City Dumps   BUT They want voters to re-elect them in 2020 VIDEO SERIES  by Citizen Journalist James Hartline PART 1: San Diego City Council District 9  Slumlord Democrat Georgette Gomez This is part 1 in a blockbuster, breathtaking photographic series by citizen journalist James Hartline. For twenty years citizen journalist James Hartline has been documenting and photographing the districts in San Diego that have been under the complete control of Democrats for decades. The Slumlords of San Diego are all Democrats who have turned their city council districts into third world ghettos and city dumps--but they want voters to once again re-elect them in 2020 based upon fictitious, fantasy campaign infomercials and deceptive campaign mailers. The Slumlord Democrats are able to manipulate voters and continue to get re-elected over and over again with the help of an ena...

The James Hartline Report: Pro-Communist Hanoi Jane Fonda, the BFF of serial predator rapist Harvey Weinstein, calls for insurrection to stop Mitch McConnell and the Republican Party from naming a replacement for Ruth Bader Ginsburg prior to the election

The James Hartline Report:  The Hypocrites of Hollywood Series The wealthy elites of the entertainment industry couldn't care less about you or your lives, they just want to rule over you from their gated mansions while they live like filthy, immoral, selfish kings, queens and predatory rapists, pedophiles and godless secularists. Pro-Communist Hanoi Jane Fonda, the BFF of serial predator rapist Harvey Weinstein, calls for insurrection to stop Mitch McConnell and the Republican Party from naming a replacement for Ruth Bader Ginsburg prior to the election Hanoi Jane Fonda calls for insurrection to stop Mitch McConnell and the Republican Party from naming a replacement for Ruth Bader Ginsburg prior to the election. The pro-Communist betrayer of U.S. servicemembers during the Vietnam War declared, "I mean, we have to rise up and not allow them to do it. If Mitch McConnell can do it, let's get some — grow some balls and ovaries." This is the same Jane Fonda who was best ...

A Miracle In The Midst Of The Plague: James Hartline's Miraculous Healing During The COVID-19 Pandamic

A Miracle In The Midst Of The Plague By Citizen Journalist James Hartline The Lord said, “I am making a covenant with you. Before all your people I will do wonders never before done in any nation in the world. The people you live among will see how awesome is the work  that I, the Lord, will do for you.” Exodus‬‭ 34:10‬ I have suddenly and miraculously been cured of a disease that I have been fighting for sixteen years. My doctor says that she has never seen this before in her 22 years as an HIV specialist. Not only that, but my entire endocrine system which has nearly been destroyed for over twenty years because of AIDS, suddenly began to work normally in March of this year.  My specific case of HIV infection is one of the most scientically important cases in the history of the epidemic because of how and when I was infected. In 1997 I was a 39 year-old HIV-negative individual who had never been infected with the disease despite having been exposed to HIV many times...

Stay Classy San Diego: The Face of San Diego's Gay Community Where They Refuse To Comply With State of Emergency Orders

Stay Classy San Diego: The Face of San Diego's Gay Community Where They Refuse To Comply With State of Emergency Orders Just Now! #Coronavirus #Covid19 #Homeless #SanDiego #LGBT #Gay #92103 #Hillcrest #NorthPark #92104 #CityHeights #92105 #pandemic #disease #SDPD #District3 #ChrisWard #ToddGloria #ToniAtkins #sdDemocrats #CDC #PublicHealth #SanDiegoCounty #UCSD #UCSDHealth #ScrippsMercy #fixit #JamesHartline #CitizenReporter #saintjameshartline #running4god

Campaign 2020 Prediction: Republican Darrell Issa will win in a landslide victory over Obama socialist Ammar Campa-Najjar in Congressional District 50

Campaign 2020 Prediction: Republican Darrell Issa will win in a landslide victory over Obama socialist Ammar Campa-Najjar in Congressional District 50 #DarrellIssa #GOP #D50 #SanDiego #California #Congress #election #Trump #AmmarCampaNajjar #saynotosocialism #Obama #2020

San Diego Democratic Party Leaders Are Covering Up Their COVID-19 Exposures And The Massive Numbers of People They Exposed To The Coronavirus. Mayoral Candidate Todd Gloria, Congressional Candidate Ammar Najjar, County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher, Congressional Candidate Georgette Gomez, City Council Candidates Kelvin Barrios, Andrea Cardenas, Steve Padilla and San Diego County Democratic Party Chairman Will Rodriguez-Kennedy. While some of them have been hospitalized, all of them had direct and intimate contact with COVID-19 infected Democrats. Gloria, Najjar and others have not self-quarantined or mentioned a single thing about it on any of their social media as they put politics above the safety of San Diego voters during the state of emergency

Citizen Journalist James Hartline  Reporting LIVE From The San Diego Communities Hillcrest, North Park and City Heights San Diego Democratic Party Leaders Are Covering Up Their COVID-19 Exposures And The Massive Numbers of People They Exposed To The Coronavirus. Mayoral Candidate Todd Gloria, Congressional Candidate Ammar Najjar, County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher, Congressional Candidate Georgette Gomez, City Council Candidates Kelvin Barrios, Andrea Cardenas, Steve Padilla and San Diego County Democratic Party Chairman Will Rodriguez-Kennedy. While some of them have been hospitalized, all of them had direct and intimate contact with COVID-19 infected Democrats. Gloria, Najjar and others have not self-quarantined or mentioned a single thing about it on any of their social media as they put politics above the safety of San Diego voters during the state of emergency. One of the most disturbing photos in the political history of San Diego. Gay activist and Democra...