James Hartline Ministries ALERT - 24 Hours of Prayer & Fasting: Monday 6pm - Tuesday 6pm. City Council To Force Celebration of Homosexuality on City.

James Hartline Ministries ALERT - 24 Hours of Prayer and Fasting: Monday 6pm - Tuesday 6pm. On Tuesday morning, the San Diego City Council will once again seek to force homosexuality on the citizens of San Diego by issuing their annual Gay Pride Month proclamation.

The mayor and the radicals on the San Diego city council issue this resolution in the name of all the citizens of San Diego - whether you like it or not. Each year, San Diego has been the central city in the national battle against the radicalized homosexual political movement. It was San Diego that triggered the statewide war over same-sex marriages and the ensuing Prop. 8 ballot initiative that rescinded the destructive state supreme court ruling legitimizing homosexual marriages. Each year, we have spiritually and politically resisted the entrenching special interests of the dark homosexual activist platform.

photo of homosexual Republican councilman Carl DeMaio partying at the San Diego Gay and Lesbian Center while the parents and citizens of San Diego were desperately looking for murdered missing teen Chelsea King who had been kidnapped in DeMaio's council district.

This year is no different. In fact, my recent article exposing self-declared born again Christian Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys for his appalling attack against Christianity when he participated as the grand marshal in the 2010 pornographic San Francisco gay pride parade has fueled a major boycott against Littrell. Christian book stores and websites are dumping Littrell's gospel music now that churchgoers have been informed that Littrell led this year's disgusting gay pride parade in San Francisco. Brian Littrell may think it is okay to appear on Christian television to play the Christian role and then march with pornographers and transvestites in the bay area's homosexual parade, but I refuse to accept his disturbing example to the youth of my generation. I didn't come all this way out of homosexuality so that Littrell and his Backstreet form of the gospel could deceive and destroy the kids of California.

Despite my being publicly scolded by thousands of his middle-aged anti-christian fans, many younger teens are being exposed for the first time ever to the Gospel on my blog via Littrell being confronted for his sell out of the Gospel.

The Republican Party of San Diego has forced the acceptance and the election of a radical and immoral gay Republican named Carl DeMaio on the city council. DeMaio and the homosexual city council Democrat Todd Gloria have battled against me each year to counter my effective stand against their agenda. Once again these wicked council members are expending tremendous political energy in an attempt to marginalize my relentless stand for Jesus Christ. As a former homosexual, my testimony is a critical element to my effectiveness against the radical gay agenda in San Diego. I continue to stand strong because the word of God is true and the devil is always a defeated liar.

Each year, our spiritual warfare against this evil city council has brought about great victories. Once again, I invite you to join with me in 24 hours of prayer and fasting from Monday at 6pm to Tuesday at 6pm. I believe this is the breakthrough year for a supernatural turnaround in California - a breakthrough that will be initiated by sacrificial prayer and fasting over the next two days.

"For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." 2 Corinthians 10:3-5


Anonymous said…
"You didn't come all this way OUT of homosexuality..." NOW we see where YOU are coming from. You really do have to work hard to deny yourself TO yourself, your God and the world. I'm very sorry that in order to do so, you find it necessary to spew hate to others who follow in Christs' footsteps to LOVE others, even those "sinners" who haven't followed in YOUR footsteps of denial.
Anonymous said…
Were Jim Garlow, Chris Clark, Charles LiMandri, Miles McPherson and the rest of San Diego's Taliban out "desperately looking for murdered missing teen Chelsea King who had been kidnapped in DeMaio's council district?"
Gridlock said…
You're still gay no matter how hard you try to suppress it.

Stop hating yourself.
Gridlock said…
You're still gay no matter how hard you suppress it.

Stop hating yourself.
James Hartline said…
Garlow, Clark and LiMandri and McPherson were definitely NOT at the gay and lesbian center with transvestites and porn promoters and the lesbian district attorney the night that San Diegans and Chelsea KIng's parents were desperately seeking the whereabouts of their murdered daughter in DeMaio's district. DeMaio was at the gay center partying it up outside of his district and the kidnapping zone even though Chelsea had just been kidnapped and murdered in his district. This is all about the evil of Councilman DeMaio, who had a legal obligation to the Kings to be out in his district looking for Chelsea. Instead he was at a gay center in Hillcrest that night attending a party for homosexuality.
Anonymous said…
If you really cared about Jesus, you'd fast for 40 days like he did -- and do so in the desert.
Anonymous said…
>>DeMaio was at the gay center partying it up outside of his district and the kidnapping zone even though Chelsea had just been kidnapped and murdered in his district.

Wrong, James. Those district boundaries were drawn by men. If DeMaio had any obligation to cancel his obligations, if there was in fact some kind of moral imperative, then your fine Christian pastors should have cancelled their engagements and gone out looking for Chelsea King too.

This is most certainly not about "the evil of Councilman DeMaio" this is about your inability to cope with reality, and that's an inability you've demonstrated all your life.
Anonymous said…
You're still gay, no matter how hard you try to convince others that you're not.
Anonymous said…
"James Hartline Ministries ALERT - 24 Hours of Prayer and Fasting: Monday 6pm - Tuesday 6pm."

I am a gay Christian and I know that God does answer all prayers but I am puzzled why you have to pray for 24 hours to get God’s attention. I believe that the Holy Bible means what it says and you only have to ask once and to keep asking shows unbelief on my part. Once I take my prayer to God, I boldly step forward to claim the blessing that I know God has promised. In fact most of my prayers had been answered before I asked, I just did not see God’s blessing. The fact that I am gay has never stopped God from delivering as Jesus promised.

Luke11:9 King James Bible
And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

Prayers that plead and beg imply that your heavenly Father is not willing to do it. Yet, He is far more gracious and willing to give to you than you are willing to ask, think or imagine.

Matthew 6:7-8
In praying, do not babble like the pagans, who think that they will be heard because of their many words.
Do not be like them. Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
Anonymous said…
James, on your way to the city council chambers to deliver your annual message from God, stop to look at the LGBT history exhibit in the lobby of City Hall. You will not appear in this exhibit even though you have been part of our history. Nicole and other notables will be prominently featured in this display in space provided by the city's taxpayers.

A Celebration of San Diego LGBT History, which coincides with Pride Month, will feature historical LGBT community treasures and will be the first time an LGBT exhibit has appeared at City Hall. The exhibit will run from July 13 through July 24 and will be displayed in the lobby of San Diego City Hall, at 202 C Street. This exhibit is sponsored by Lambda Archives of San Diego and the Harvey Milk Diversity Breakfast of San Diego County, with co-sponsors including the Greater San Diego Business Association (GSDBA), Imperial Court de San Diego, the San Diego LGBT Community Center, San Diego LGBT Pride, the San Diego Human Dignity Foundation and the Human Rights Campaign/San Diego.
Anonymous said…
The official pride parade lineup lists 16 churches and religious organizations that are marching in the parade. Included in this lineup is the Lutheran Church, United Church of Christ, St. Paul's Cathedral and Unitarian Church and others. This list keeps growing each year.

25 years ago, absolutely no church would have marched in a gay parade. Change is coming to this city and apparently with God's blessing. It is interesting to note that absolutely no churches are supporting you in your little jihad against the gay community, including your own church.

During your prayer fest you probably should ask God for some fresh troops because it appears that your "team Hartline" has deserted you.
Anonymous said…
James said on Twitter:
"Town of Lemon Grove attacked by massive bee swarms http://bit.ly/cVyjv6 after homosexuals march for gay pride event. http://bit.ly/aJylQa"

More proof that God hates HETEROSEXUALS. The gays were unharmed but God punished the straights. The recent earthquakes were in "family" neighborhoods. The fires several years ago destroyed many family houses but no damage to gays. Katrina demolished many families but the French Quarter (a gay neighborhood) was unharmed.

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