Backstreet Boy Backstabs Christianity - Brian Littrell, America's Biggest "Christian" Hypocrite Mocks Christians at the 2010 San Francisco Gay Pride.

Backstreet Boy Backstabs Christianity - Brian Littrell, America's Biggest "Christian" Hypocrite Mocks Christians at the 2010 San Francisco Gay Pride Parade. He is flip flopping his Christianity so much that churchgoers will have a difficult time deciding whether they are watching Brian Littrell perform for TBN or simply playing ping pong with the Bible.

After earning millions of dollars as the lead singer with the global boy band The Back Street Boys, Brian Littrell found a new audience to pimp his musical talents: gospel television and Rick Warren's megachurch Saddleback. Whether he's performing on Trinity Broadcasting Television or providing his church history to Christian newspaper reporters, Littrell has perpetrated one of the biggest spiritual frauds on evangelical youth in recent history. Perhaps it is his Saddleback Church ideology that has convinced Littrell he can claim the benefits of the eternal cross of Jesus Christ at the same time he mocks Christ and dances with the San Francisco Gay Pride demons.

During a 2006 interview titled 'Give Glory Where Glory is Due' Brian Littrell told a Christian reporter that he doesn't compromise his "faith" or "beliefs" to accomodate the entertainment industry:

"I've never not wanted to be public about it. There was a Rolling Stone [magazine] article that the Backstreet Boys did several years ago and the photographer wanted to take a picture of us with 50 young ladies in the background who were not even dressed—they were supposed to be completely nude. My faith played a big role in not taking that picture with the rest of the guys because at that time I was happily married—still am happily married—and I didn't want to compromise my faith and who I was as a person and my beliefs, just because some photographer wanted to take a picture in Rolling Stone magazine painting this picture of what he thought the Backstreet Boys were. I've been tested a lot like that in the secular world—people asking me to compromise my faith to do things and I won't do it."

With the money drying up, Littrell and The Backstreet Boys are back to entertaining the secular arena in 2010. They also performed in the immoral and disgusting 2010 San Francisco Gay Pride event. And Brian Littrell - having cast aside his previous claims in the Christian media of being true to his "faith" - proudly and idiotically rode in the 2010 pornographic San Francisco Gay Pride Parade that features perverted men dressed up as Nuns mocking the Catholic Church and contingents of transvestites, homosexual pornographic businesses and same-sex marriage activists.

"The one on whom seed was sown on the rocky places, this is the man who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy; yet he has no firm root in himself, but is only temporary, and when affliction or persecution arises because of the word, immediately he falls away. And the one on whom seed was sown among the thorns, this is the man who hears the word, and the worry of the world and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful." Matthew 13:20-22


Anonymous said…
It is Brian Littrell who is the true Christian, Mr. Hartline, not YOU! Brian has said many times that he is a non-judgmental Christian, that he chooses not to judge, but to love. THAT, Mr. Hartline, is how Jesus lived His life and showed us by example. You could learn something from Brian's "Christian" way of life. People like you who claim to be "Christian" but judge others so harshly are the real hypocrites.
Anonymous said…
Hi god! It is so awesome that you are here to cast judgment onto people. Way to keep up the good word of condemning people for just being Human! No wonder people are lining up at your door to get in. So God since you obviously have time on your hands, to worry about the little people in San Fransisco, you wanna head over to the middle east there and fix that up? Oh how about heading to Africa. I mean since your down here judging Brian Littrell and all those people at the GAY PRIDE! Parade than you MUST have a lot of free time on your hands lately. OOOHH and another thing you might wanna drop by the Vatican...seems some priest have been extra naughty...
Anonymous said…
James said, “He is flip flopping his Christianity so much that churchgoers will have a difficult time deciding whether they are watching Brian Littrell perform for TBN or simply playing ping pong with the Bible.”

James, where have you been for the last 10 years. A fabulous makeover of the Christian church is the latest item on the gay agenda. Gays are infilitrating many churches to change the hearts and minds of the members.

Gay friendly churches are the latest “in” thing. Even Rick Warren has removed anti-gay words from his website and he said in a recent interview, "I may be against gay marriage but I am not against relationship recognition for gays..." Ted Haggard said that gays are welcome at his new church. Mainline denominations that condemned gays 10 years ago are now welcoming them into their congregations.

Little by little we are doing a makeover of Christianity and reclaiming Jesus as one of our own. Gay theology and open and affirming churches are becoming the rule, not the exception. The Bible is being reinterpreted for modern society and gays are now welcome to join the church and even become the pastor if that is your calling.

From mega churches to house churches, Christianity is being transformed from drab to fab. Get used to it, we are here to stay. Gays are probably already working in your church.
Anonymous said…
You are one narrow-minded person. Your blinders are on too tight. God created ALL people. Gay or straight. He loves them all too. It's people like you that keep people like me away from organized religions in general. You devise your own little rules and hide behind your bibles. All the while, judging your fellow man. God is the only one who has that right. I hope he gives you an earful when you meet him.
Anonymous said…
Yeah. You got me feelin the love of jesus. Because I'm sure these are his thoughts exactly. Why be tolerant and love all peoiple when you can just hate and bash them, right?
James Hartline said…
Stand for everything and you really stand for nothing. God always establishes boundaries for His true servants. Homosexual activists promoting the destruction of the pornography industry have no boundaries. No true Christian is going to party with pornographers. By appearing in such filth, Mr. Littrell has revealed where his commitment to God lies and where his priorities for the youth of this nation fit into his schedule and pursuit for celebrity.
Anonymous said…
Brian has said before that he's not in it for the fame Hartline. How dare you say he's in pursuit for celebrity. Look how fame almost cost Brian his life back in 1998 with his heart surgery. You have absolutely no right to judge someone when you barely know them. Who died and made you God, Hartline?! You're the real hypocrite in this situation. The Bible teaches people to love and not to judge. So you have no right to say Brian is going against his beliefs when you are doing the EXACT same thing. But obviously I shouldn't waste any more of my time on you because talking to hypocritical Christians like you is like talking to a damn brick wall. And to call homosexual people "demons" is wrong. The Lord Jesus Christ would never say that. So you sit like a little nerd behind your computer on your blog Hartline. I enjoy the day when it's you that burns in hell, not Brian. Brian doesn't judge and he has an open mind to other peoples beliefs. You can still be a good Christian and be tolerant of other's peoples beliefs. Have fun in hell Hartline, cause it's you that's the real sinner here. But as I said before, talking to hypocritical Christian like you is talking to a brick wall.
TruthSeeker said…
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John 8:31–32.)

Homosexuality occurs throughout the animal kingdom and throughout history in all cultures in
our human family. Instead of condemning it, we should accept it as a natural variant to our human

Jesus did not condemn gay people and there is no evidence that God considered the homosexual lifestyle a sin. The biblical story of David and Jonathan and the story of Ruth and Naomi is strong evidence that God does indeed approve of committed same sex relationships.

People continue to misuse the scriptures regarding homosexuality as they did to keep blacks and women in their place. But nowhere does the Bible address the now established view that homosexuality is not something chosen or that it can be a creative, meaningful act of love and fidelity.
James Hartline said…
Jesus condemned all sin including the sin of homosexuality. Try quoting accurately what the Bible actually says before you weakly try to manipulate others with your twisted and unqualified articulations of theology.
John 8 states:
Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, "If you continue in my word, then are you my disciples indeed; And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
Being free according to God's word requires that you continuously abide in His word and obey it: NOT use it as a conniving commercial to sell the bogus agenda of homosexual activism.
Jesus declared in the book of Revelation that no one who practices sexual immorality, including homosexuality, would be permitted into heaven. You have the same opportunity to REPENT and turn from your wicked and sinful ways just like every other human being. It is so obviously apparent that homosexual activists, in seeking out of desperation, the affirmation of the world, want an exemption card for their sexual immorality, while the Bible condemns all sin outside God's permitted vehicle for sexual acts (heterosexual love in marriage only). You simply want to continue in sin so you seek to alter God's word to accomodate your own self-deception and rebellion.
God changes not and He is not a man that He should lie. Why tempt ye, the Lord Thy God? Today is the day of salvation. Choose wisely and honestly, for you could be doomed without grace and life tomorrow. Grace grants you deliverance from your deception and sexual sins while you are alive. After you die you will be held accountable for your rebellion.
Anonymous said…
Hartline said,:
"Jesus declared in the book of Revelation that no one who practices sexual immorality, including homosexuality, would be permitted into heaven. "

This is absolutely FALSE. Quotes please.
James Hartline said…
And He said to me, "It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts. He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death." Revelation 21:7-8
"But there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life." Revelation 21:27
"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Blessed are those who do His commandments,* that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. Outside are the dogs (the Sodomites) and the sorcerers and the immoral persons and the murderers and the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices lying. I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star." Revelation 22:13-16

Obviously, you don't know the Bible and neither does Mr. Littrell.
Larry-92103 said…
In Deut. 23:18 and Rev 22:15 the word “dog” is a reference to a male prostitute hired for homosexual acts,i.e., a luggage handler hired by George Rekers and Ted Haggard.

While Jesus did not like prostitutes, he never condemned the gay lifestyle. Fundamentalist religious types try to rewrite the Bible to say that God considers homosexuality to be an abomination. If God really considers gay people to be an abomination, why did he create so many of them? Why does he allow churches like MCC to exist if he does not like gays? There is no evidence that anyone, in all of recorded history, has gone to a place called "hell" because they loved someone of the same gender.
Anonymous said…
JAMES! GOD BLESS YOU! You do not stand alone! We are praying for you in this tumultuous time of rebellion for God's word. To read the comments posted by the people in reagrds to Brian, are disgusting! My stomach turns and tightens as one man claims the church is going from "drab to fab." This is disgusting and you do NOT stand alone! We pray that the Lord arms you with might and strength to continue standing up for Jesus and His word. Keep fighting the good fight of faith and surely I will see you at the finish line. BROTHER IN CHRIST!
James Hartline said…
The global judgment and the final expression of God's wrath against rebellion to eternal purposes is at hand. Jesus said that the last days of humanity would be as it was in the days of Noah and Lot when the wicked would not heed the warnings.
"Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed." Luke 17:28-30

The entire world is filled with the warning signs of the end. What would a sinner give in exchange for their eternal souls? What are they holding onto in their rebellion to God? A global economic catastrophe, earthquakes, oil spills, terrorism, wars, child molesters, murders, witchcraft, demonic worship, Babylon, drug addictions: the world that the rebels hold onto, even unto the end. Denying Christ, for what? What a sad and unwise investment and return on their investment into sin and abominations.
The Apostle Paul described such fools:
"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. Romans 1:20-22

Revelation 16:
Then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels, "Go and pour out the bowls of the wrath of God on the earth." So the first went and poured out his bowl upon the earth, and a foul and loathsome sore came upon the men who had the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. The second angel poured out his bowl into the sea, and it became blood like that of a dead man; and every living thing in the sea died. Then the third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water, and they became blood. And I heard the angel of the waters saying: "You are righteous, O Lord, The One who is and who was and who is to be, because You have judged these things. For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, And You have given them blood to drink. For it is their just due."

Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and power was given to him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God who has power over these plagues; and they did not repent and give Him glory. Then the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and his kingdom became full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues because of the pain. They blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and did not repent of their deeds.

There are simply some men and women who are so arrogant in their rebellion against the obvious God and His will that they will perish eternally rather than repent of their involvement in the sin of homosexuality and their weak denials of God's existence. They Bible calls them fools who exchange the truth about God for the worship of fallen man and his failed ideals.
Anonymous said…
James said,
The global judgment and the final expression of God's wrath against rebellion to eternal purposes is at hand."

Christians have been saying this for 2000 years. Face reality, He is dead and is not coming back.

"God" is merely a spirit within you and according to Jesus, that is where you will find heaven. The only "judgment" is the judgment from within. The "God" of the Bible has no power of it's own. The only God that that has power is the God within you. If you are waiting for your "sky daddy" to save you, you will wait in vain. Only the God within can save you. Read the scriptures carefully and you will discover this great truth that millions of people have already discovered. When you know the truth, it will set you free.
Anonymous said…
I stand with you. Brian Litrell is comprimising his "faith" time. God calls us to holiness, ad to surrender to Him means we have to die to self, and our selfish desires. Preach the Word James, and remember, they hated Jesus as well. Blessings
Anonymous said…
This is how we know that Jesus is alive; God is not the God of the dead but God of the living! "That same day the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to him with a question.........But about the resurrection of the dead—have you not read what God said to you,'I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob'? He is not the God of the dead but of the living." Matthew 22:23-34. Brother in Christ! Keep marchin on James!
Anonymous said…
Dear James - thank you for posting. I discovered this news the the other day. Today, I was successful in persuading LifeWay Christian Stores from removing his music from their website and their store shelves across the country. I am now working on Family Christian Stores as well as some of the other large churches who have in-house bookstores.

I have also written to the Family Research Council and Focus on the Family. It is important that they know what kind of person Brian Littrell is. If he wants to make money, fine. But don't do it on the backs of Christians.

We will win this fight to purge hypocrites and backstabbers from mocking Christians.
James Hartline said…
Lifeway Christian Stores has not removed his music from their website.
Nessa said…
Brian Littrell is bringing people to God by allowing them to be who they are! God does not judge us for our mistakes, beliefs, or lifestyle choices. God embraces us for who we are and has put every single person on this earth because he has a purpose for this. Brian is a true angel sent from God! He allows people to love him for who he is and brings people he has touched closer to God. It's funny how you say Brian has sold out when it is really the Christian music industry that has sold out! You accepted Brian in the industry because he was able to sell out concerts and cds so you loved that about him. Now, he does somethang that God would agree with you and you judge him? Last I checked, only God was able to judge and not YOU! I'm sure Brian and the "demons" will have fun dancing in heaven while you, who has disgusting, hatred-filled beliefs that need to change, is rotting in hell!!!!
Anonymous said…
WAY TO GO, BRIAN LITTRELL! If more Christians were like him, the world would be a better place. You quote bible verses, but you make sure to ONLY quote the ones that fit your cause. You are disgusting. Brian is a true Christian, and it's sad that you aren't and that you can't see that.
Anonymous said…
It amazes me that there are still people like you on this earth but then again, the devil does a great job at disguising himself for the sake of creating hate and condemning those that walk among us just because they are different. I won't judge you - God will do that on his own time - but you should stop judging those that believe in creating a world better than what it is. Brian Littrell has brought more young people than you will ever do in your feeble life. May God forgive you - as Jesus so nicely said on the cross: "Forgive him Father for he knows not what he does." Go away and don't come back. We don't need more people like you in the world. We need more people like Brian who shows nothing but love for his fellow man.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Not quite sure this Hartline fellow knew what he was getting himself into. Most who are not familiar with BSB fans don't understand how much we love our boys and what we would do to protect them. That being said this Hartline guy is fucking crazy! I agree with what ya'll have said. Hartline is a jerk and he truly doesn't even deserve our time or energy!
Anonymous said…
Brian is a true Christian. You are not. God and Jesus are about spreading love to all people. Not hatred.
Anonymous said…
Don't judge. If Brian committed a sin by being in the gay pride parade, let God decide when that time comes. The only thing I think he is guilty of is not being a hater and judger.
Anonymous said…
are you trying to cast the first stone? i don't think those are the words of a TRUE Christian, sir.
GreenEyez707 said…
I am disgusted after reading this article. This James guy must have a dull ass life to pick on someone like Brian Littrell. He is the sweetest guy ever and doesnt deserve this kind of bashing. James, you can have your beliefs but dont force them on others! I am a Catholic, and guess what? I was at the Pride Day too. I was there supporting my gay friends and I had a blast. That doesnt make me any less Catholic than you! I would think there are bigger issues that you could be focusing on right now, instead trying to turn people against someone like Brian. You should really get your priorities straight. It seems to me maybe you are just jealous!!!! Get over it and move onto an issue that actually matters. Jackass!!!!
Anonymous said…
Mr. Hartline, you are the reason why so many people turn your backs on religion. You take the Bible and twist it to be what YOU want it to be, not what it is. You seem to forget that Jesus did not turn his back on anyone, and that the Bible reads to love one another, "do unto others as you would have done to you", and.. oh yeah... "do not judge". Same on YOU, Mr. Hartline.

Churches are open the homosexuals. They are children of God too. Maybe your heart is not open to accepting them, but do not condem those that have open and loving hearts.

Brian Littrell is a good friend of mine. He has a true faith and love for God. It is HIS faith that has helped restore mine in the past. Have you considered asking Brian WHY he chose to attend the event?

I hope that God blesses you DESPITE your flaws, just as he does all of us.
I was raised southern baptist and denounced the church at 15 because of all the judging that took place! Love is love! God does NOT care about the body he only cares about the soul and if you had any common since you would realize that Brian is saved and no matter what he does on Earth he CANNOT lose his salvation! Also humans wrote the bible and humans sin, Romans 3:23 for ALL have sinned and come short of the goly of God. and as you know through God is ever lasting life! God is his judge and not any HUMAN on earth! Your not perfect your self!!!!!!!!!! So stop playing God and be a normal christian and go soul winning! Get off the computer and go save some souls! The more you complain about people the more they will hate God. Brian wants people to know God loves them no matter what to get them saved. That is all that matter!
Anonymous said…
Wow, really? You just passed judgment on one of the most caring and sweetest man you could ever meet in the world. And not only did you pass judgment on him but you pretty much passed judgment on his wife, his son, his band-mates and his thousands and thousands and thousands of fans. Are you sure you want to still call yourself and Christian? Because from my point of view you're more like a anti-Christian.
Anonymous said…
Instead of worrying so much for a simple appearance and public performance of Brian Littrell, who besides a great Christian, is an amazing singer and an even better person, and that has given so much Christian music these years, you ought to publish more articles on the great scam that is the church and the "Christians" who founded it, being gay, lesbian or transvestite is not a sin, but being a pederast, while it fills your mouth saying that you love God, and therefore cure you, Bishop etc, so if that is a stab to the faith of your congregation.

Give me shame, and Brian if you placed a libel lawsuit, which I was falling hair.
Anonymous said…
Dear Mr. Hartline, I will say a prayer for you because like others have said, it is Brian Littrell, not you, who is showing that he truly does understand and follow God's teachings of "Judge NOT, lest YE be judged." and "Love one another as I have loved you." I think it's very sad that you would want to trash someone who has done nothing to you personally. Even if what Brian did was wrong, and it was NOT, it is between him and Our Lord, just as it is with each and every one of us...including you, sir. God Bless you. SKHD
James Hartline said…
Clearly, those of you who are idiotic in your knowledge of the Bible, have no right claiming to be Christians. A true Christian is defined as an obedient follower of Jesus Christ, rather than the superficial label you like to attach to your other labels of convenience. God is not a God of the lawless and those who rebel against HIS truth. God is not a label, nor will He share His glory with Sodom or any other perversion.

Who has bewitched you into thinking that God can be purchased so cheaply and paraded on display with pornographers and the sexually destructive?

By embracing the pornography of the San Francisco Gay Pride and its exposing young kids to perversions and destructive behaviors, Brian Littrell could not careless about Christ or the kids he is allowing to be prostituted in this homosexual porn event. The word has now gone out regarding Mr. Littrell's disgusting sell out to the demons of Babylonian prostitution. Many CHRISTIAN businesses are pulling Littrell's flaky gospel music. God has judged this filth for what it is and He fully intends to judge those who attempt to legitimize it by seduction and simplistic stupidity.

The wages of sin are death: whether you like it or not.

And apparently Mr. Littrell didn't learn anything regarding his mocking of Christ when he was infected with his recent episode of swine flu. God will not be mocked.

"Then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels, 'Go and pour out the bowls of the wrath of God on the earth.' And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image. And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory. And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain, And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds.

As the Bible rightly says, the plagues come and the rebels refuse to repent of their immorality even in the face of death and eternal destruction.
Your spiritual rebellion leads you to defy God by promoting the degrading sexual destruction of homosexuality and its celebration. Pride precedes a great fall.
Go ahead! Mock God now. But not for long.

The pleasure of sin lasts for a season: then comes the consequences. You have gotten sloppy in your forgetfulness. Because God's grace has allowed you an extended period of time to repent, you have mistaken such a lengthy period of time as God shirking his shoulders and not caring what you do. You tempt the Lord thy God and you will quickly learn the mistake in such tempting.
Repent while you are breathing. For tomorrow is not guaranteed.
Robert said…
James, on your blog introduction you state,
“James Hartline is the least likely man to change a city, but that is exactly what he is doing.”

James, please tell us again what changes you have brought to the San Diego gay community. You have been bitching and moaning for about 10 years now. What changes have you brought through your constant ranting on your blog, your “Bible” class, Hillcrest mission, Christian Chamber of Commerce, Christian News, and frequent tirades at City Hall? Someday you will have to stand before God and give an account of your activities, so you might as well rehearse now.

The porn stores are still here and the new ones are better stocked. The pride parade still goes on, only it is bigger now. The bars still pack them in, the gay restaurants are busy, and everywhere the gay community is vibrant. Straight people like Brian Littrell are becoming “gay friendly”. The gay community has developed outreach and support programs for your young people, and the list goes on.

Many changes have occurred in the gay community during the last 10 years but I am having difficulty discovering the changes YOU have made. Please enlighten us.
Anonymous said…
Dear Mr. Hartline. How "Christian" of you to call some of the people who have commented here "idiots". And I see that it's the ones you don't agree with. Shame on you. You're picking on Brian Littrell for sitting in a car in a parade that happened to be about people celebrating their PRIDE in being who God made them to be. I'm just going to stop now and follow what Jesus said and not judge anyone...even you, sir.
Anonymous said…
perhaps you are pretending to be God because I know he is the sole right to judge others. continue with your life and not worry about what they do or stop doing the others are their lives they will know which path to choose.
James Hartline said…
Christian music stores throughout America are dumping Littrell's fake gospel music. Perhaps all of the transvestites who dress up as Catholic Nuns in the San Francisco Gay Pride parade mocking the cross and Christianity will be able to financially prop up Littrell's financial losses. It ain't hip to be a hypocrite AND we judge what God judges!
No one made Littrell mock Christians. He chose to do that all on his own.
We refuse to stand on the sidelines while he and his ilk undermine our kids.
Anonymous said…
“We refuse to stand on the sidelines while he and his ilk undermine our kids.”

Gay pride parades are becoming family affairs as more and more straight people bring their kids to the parades to educate them in diversity and tolerance. Wake up and smell reality.
Anonymous said…
It is absurd to give importance to Mr. James, the labels do not understand how they do being Christian, Mr. says a Christian and wants to hurt your brother, and dares to say that someone else is Please hypocrite!, A Christian does not judge another Christian, Brian is a wonderful human being who knows to respect their brothers, God is fair and not let evil on about him, Brian has God support and our! God bless Brian!!!!
Anonymous said…
God never made diferences between it straight or gays..he loves dem equally...if v want 2 create our own storys..go on...but da truth will never changed....
Anonymous said…
I dont agree with Curch with that question!!!! I support gay marriage, and I am Christian! I think that is all about, understanding and accepting others! And YOU are NO ONE to JUDGE others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Christians or not, God love us all, all the BSB fans understand and support Brian's beliefs, he is a great christian and he doesn't jugde people, he loves God, he believes in God and he makes good christian music, this shouldn't be your problem, you should worry about really important things instead of trying to ruin Brian's career, you would not succed, cause you aren't the one who decides who's doing the things right or wrong in this world
James Hartline said…
Brian Littrell was afflicted with the swine flu plague AFTER he claimed to be Christian, yet he did not repent of his sins.
Here is the standard that the Bible declares for such dances with the devil:
I Corinthians 5
"It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and such sexual immorality as is not even named among the Gentiles--that a man has his father's wife! And you are puffed up with pride, and have not rather mourned, that he who has done this deed might be taken away from among you. For I indeed, as absent in body but present in spirit, have already judged (as though I were present) him who has so done this deed. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when you are gathered together, along with my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that his spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. Your glorying is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens and corrupts the whole lump? Therefore purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, since you truly are unleavened. For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us."
"But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner--not even to eat with such a person. For what have I to do with judging those also who are outside? Do you not judge those who are inside? But those who are outside God judges. Therefore "put away from yourselves the evil person."

When you embrace sexually destructive behavior, glorifying anal intercourse, pornography, underage sex among minors, lesbianism, transvestitism, sadomasochism AND YOU honor the grand marshal of a parade that pays tributes to such demonic displays, you have become partners with that which God has judged and you will pay a price, sooner than later. Laugh now.
I Corinthians 6-
"Do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world will be judged by you, are you unworthy to judge the smallest matters?"
"Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God."

"Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a harlot? Certainly not! Or do you not know that he who is joined to a harlot is one body with her? For "the two," He says, "shall become one flesh." But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him. Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's."

You deceive only yourself when you claim to be a Christian but you continue to practice and embrace sexual immorality. Why would someone make a claim of following Christ, mocking His sacrifice on the cross, as if Christianity were merely another credit card to make indebted purchases? Because you are foolish and know not what the Bible actually teaches. God's patience is not forever. And neither is your opportunity to repent. Repent now!
Anonymous said…
I am a Christian and know the Bible very well. I also happen to be gay. I know that Jesus never considered homosexuality a sin. The Apostle Paul said a few things that perhaps could be anti-gay but Paul was a mere mortal. He did not die for my sins.

God created me as a gay person and for me to try to change my orientation would be a very grievous sin. Science has given much evidence that we were born with our sexual orientation and every credible scientific organization has said that this orientation can NOT be changed.

God gives very explicit instructions that we are NOT to judge our fellow human being; that is His job. Jesus told us to love one another, NOT judge one another.

Before Jesus departed He said he would send his Holy Spirit to guide and instruct us. He did not say that he would send a fundamentalist "christian" to tell us what we are doing wrong. He did not say that he would send the Apostle Paul or even a holy book to guide us. He said that he would send the Holy Spirit and when we follow that Spirit within us we have eternal life than nobody can take away from us.
James Hartline said…
Not only is nothing you said in the Bible, but you would be better off not trying to publicly make yourself look stupid by stating Biblical concepts that are not in the Bible. Typical of those who are determined to deceive themselves and others into believing that they can get an exemption card from God for their practice of homosexuality, you risk eternal damnation by lying to yourself and others. Jesus condemned homosexuality, even declaring that the last days prior to His return would be as it was in the days of Lot and Sodom. Additionally, Jesus declared in the Book of Revelation that those who practice lying and homosexuality would be excluded from heaven. True love would never demand that another person engage in physically destructive sex acts. True love would never insist that another human being act in a way that sends that person to hell. Homosexuality is selfish and hellish. The wages of sin are death. Repent. No true Christian is believing your lies. Lust and the promotion of sexual immorality have already been ruled as demonic by God. You choose to rebel against God and side with demons when you play your sexual deviancy game. Again, as Jesus instructed in His word, "You must be born again!" Repent and be saved! And understand the word through His Holy Spirit rather than your sinful and unrepentant mind.
Finally, stop adding a concept that has no foundation for acceptancy in the Bible. There is not one single example in the Bible where God affirms homosexuality, but there are many scriptures where He condemns it!
Anonymous said…
We live in a day where many Christians feel called by their God to turn America into a theocracy and to establish the Bible as the law.

It is irrational to argue about what “God” thinks based on a book called the Bible.
The Bible is a human document and thus limited by the pre-scientific and often tribal culture in which its authors lived. The Bible was profoundly influenced by ideas adsorbed from ancient Canaanite, Persian, Egyptian, Babylonian, Greek and other Pagan religions. The Bible is internally inconsistent and displays the gradual evolution of religious beliefs within ancient Hebrew and Christian cultures. It is partly unreliable and irrelevant for modern society. Much of the content has been proven to be scientifically impossible. Many of its statements on origins, the cosmos, morality, and other topics cannot be applied today. Moral and ethical decisions should be largely based on reason, observation, and experience.

Biblical inerrancy, i.e., the doctrinal position that the Bible is considered accurate and totally free of error is an outdated view which very few churches subscribe to today.
Notably, more and more evangelicals are propagating the view that the Bible has errors in it. The Bible can no longer be used in a court of law as evidence or taught as fact in a public school. While the Bible may not be consigned to the dust bin of history, it will not replace the United States Constitution.
James Hartline said…
"more and more evangelicals are propagating the view that the Bible has errors in it"
The only people who are 'propagating' anything against the Bible are those who don't want to live by it. Rebellion against God is repackaged into weak arguments against the accuracy of the Bible by an individual who doesn't want to have to answer to an eternal God. Which doesn't change the fact that one day you will bow to God and you will give an account for your rebellion. And of course, it is the hidden gnat of the secularist who hides behind the homosexual rights issue as a front for expanding the antichrist agenda prophesied in the Bible that would come and go in the last days.
Yawn to such dilusional distractions.

Jesus declared in Revelation 21:

He who overcomes (the sin of homosexuality) shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.
And further Jesus declared in Revelation 21:
But there shall by no means enter the new Jerusalem in heaven anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life.

You keep believing your lies and one day the lie will have you forever. Today is the day for salvation. You choose sexual immorality or you choose liberty. Don't blame God for your rebellion or your sexual perversions for you have been given a choice to repent: it's called free will.
Anonymous said…
All of you people debating the fine points of the bible are crazy! You are making a god out of the bible.

I have one rule: If it harms none, do as you please. It works for me. I don’t have to memorize long lists of do and don’t or worry about what sky daddy likes and dislikes.
Heaven is here on earth, here and now. I challenge you to prove otherwise.

As someone pointed out in an earlier post, as Jesus himself said, heaven is inside you here and now, not up in the sky or after you die. I challenge you to prove otherwise.

I am not a bible expert but I do know that Jesus hated those people who went around quoting the old testament laws. He had no use for those people and the God that I know has no use for them either. God is a spirit of love that lives within you and when you start condemning and judging other people and telling them how to live their life, you are grieving the spirit of God. This is why most people do not belong to a church any more—too many hypocrites!!!!!
Anonymous said…
I dont undterstand how you people that call yourselves "True Christians" can judge and insult people so cruelly and harshly. Does Jesus not teach us to love everyone and not pass judgement. Whether you agree or disagree with other people's beilefs is not the question here but how you conduct yourself around others and in the eyes of God for it is the final judgement where YOU will be judged for your behaviour against others. Calling gays demons is isulting, demeaning and disgusting. You would not call women demons, for just a hundred years ago they were not even considered `persons.` Brian Littrell is the true Christian here. There should be more people in the world like him who can be Christain and not pass judgements.
Christianity teaches us to love thy neighbour and to forgive no matter what he/she does or believes because everyone will get their time to be judged at the final judgement and not by YOU but by our Lord and Saviour.
James Hartline said…
No one is buying into your polluted promotion of Brian "the pied piper of perversion" Littrell. There is nothing Christian about a man who leads a parade where young kids are being encouraged to practice anal intercourse. You only make yourself look more evil by claiming his "christianity" as he prostitutes himself to a desperate sexually immoral homosexual event where antichristian bigotry was on parade and transvestites were on the march for affirmation of their sexual depravity.
Jesus warned in the Bible that the most unforgiveable of all sins is the sin of hurting kids and leading them astray into sexual immorality.
You may think drag queens, lesbianism and nudity are family values, but God calls them abominations. Earthquake anyone? Judgment against child abuse is coming soon to San Francisco.
Anonymous said…
“Earthquake anyone? Judgment against child abuse is coming soon to San Francisco.”

And when the earthquake comes, God will destroy both the just and the unjust. Isn’t God great!!!! In reality, more devout Christians will be killed than non-believers. Many of the poor Christians live in unstable buildings because they spent their money on the church while the non-believers spent their money on buildings that would survive a powerful earthquake.

If there is a “God” surely he will punish those who spread fear and ignorance instead of love. The message of many churches are grounded in fear of eternal damnation. Those who believe that the “Bible” is the absolute word of God do not know the history of the Bible. The Christian Bible is a political document that copied ideas and themes from pagan religions of the era in which it was written. The Bible was translated and retranslated countless times, voted on, revised to please various religious factions, and reinterpreted as society evolved. The Bible is still being reinterpreted today. The Bible contains many contradictions, errors and assorted nonsense. There is absolutely no evidence that a “deity” had anything to do with the Bible. Each religion has their own Bible and there is not a sliver of evidence that one Bible is better than another bible. Our founding fathers in all of their wisdom, excluded any mention of the Bible in our Constitution.

Associating earthquakes with God is a desperate attempt by fundamentalist type Christians to give their God some power over mankind and strike fear in the hearts of people who know nothing about science and how our earth was created and works today. Earthquakes can be explained by science and to claim that earthquakes are acts of God is absurd and is an indication of a lack of education.
Anonymous said…
I was going to leave this alone after making two comments already, but Mr. Hartline, you're disgusting. By insinuating that Brian contracted the swine flu because he's not a true Christian, you have crossed the line. I guess that means that if YOU get the swine flu, or some other "plague" as you called it, then you would also be guilty of not being a true Christian. many times have you been sick in your life? If you say never, then you must be perfect...but since GOD is the only perfect being in the universe, that would make you a liar. I am a Christian myself, and I am NOT perfect. I place EVERYTHING in God's hands, and I thank Him for all the gifts He has given me, and for all the trouble I have experienced in my life. I thank Him for everything, good and bad, beecause it is through trials and joys that we become closer to Him. Maybe you should worry less about what Brian Littrell is saying or doing, and worry about yourself and your own relationship with God. By your nasty, evil condemnation of Brian Littrell, and anyone else you've condemned, you are going against the teachings of love and understanding that Our Lord put forth. God Bless you, sir. I will continue to pray for you. SKHD
Anonymous said…
Brian Littrell is an example of what is happening with so many people who claim to be Christian. It is comprise. 1 John so clearly states if we love this world than we make ourselves enemies of God. He is holy. Every time that heaven is mentioned in the bible, the emphasis is on God's holiness which to us humans is not very attractive unless we experience the new birth found in Christ. The apostle Paul warned Timothy that anyone pursing Godliness would be persecuted and in the last days people would mock anyone who did not agree with their sinful lifestyle. Well look around us. Now we have have parades where we are prideful of our sin and openly celebrate it along lewd sex acts with no shame. Don't expect the world and its people to understand it. A true friend warns of you with the truth while an enemy kisses you with lies. The enemy of our souls hates us and the last days are upon us. We are have arrived to the point that we have a new god called self and we worship it by giving ourselves completely to every sensual pursuit with no shame.
greeneyes said…
I truly find it funny to hear Jamess talking about Brian the way he does. Brian being a Grand Marshall at the Parade is nothing in comparison to you have done in the past. You participated in homosexual activities! You were addicted to drugs and stole to support your habit! You were on a 3 day binge in 1997 at a gay bathhouse in San Diego and contracted AIDS!!! Really, does what Brian did sound so bad now? In comparison to ur sins? I dont think so. People always point out what other people have done when they dont agree with it. Why dont you look at yourself and judge your own actions? Because it seems to be like your already dealing with your punishment!!!! And if you think this is the way God wants you to serve him, then I feel very sorry for you. Because you are obviously delusional to think that God would want to be thought of as a selfish, hypocritical, unforgiving shell of a man, as you project yourself to be.
Lisa said…
Sorry, but when it comes to homosexuality, heck, sexuality and AIDS itself, there is no other way than to mock the church (I am saying the church because not every Christian shares the same beliefs, plus I am not talking so much about the faith itself but the church as institution). Homosexuals are lovely people, nothing wrong with or about them. To me, saying they'd be some sort of twisted, not normal is equal to racism, saying that a certain nationality is better than the other.
And a pope who wants to ban condoms in times like these really needs to get his facts straight. I witnessed the parade, and I was overwhelmed at how peaceful it was. And I'd rather be part of this than of the Love-Parade, where drugs and nudeness are all over the place and aggressiveness is far more popular. And those are mainly heterosexuals. Plus, when it comes to sexual activities, this love parade is way ahead of everything else.

Who are you to judge people? You're the hypocrite here, and you apparently haven't arrived in the 21st century.
Anonymous said…
Mr Hartline...
You are in no position to judge Brian. You said he was inflicted with The Swine Flu AFTER he claimed he was a Christian. If you knew anything about him (Which you don't at all), you would know he has been a Christian since he was 8 years old. And unless you know him or his heart, (Again you know nothing at all), or the reason as to why he did it. It is not your authority to judge him or tell other people to not support him! As if you didn't already know by now, I stand behind Brian and always will! And I don't believe any of this crap you're pulling!!!
Unknown said…
how can someone say that is less christian just because someone support people's choice of living, as far as I know God love us ALL, no matter what!
Ralph said…
First off, I would like to say that I'm a true Christian. I grew up in a Christian home and my grandfather was actually a minister in the U.S. Navy from WW2 to when he died in the 80s. I'm a true Christian, but I am definitely not judgmental. Look at who Jesus picked to be his disciples, it wasn't the perfect and proper people in society, it was a group of sinners. The Bible says that persecution is wrong, and yet that's exactly what you're doing here. You're one of the reasons people dislike Christians, you're a hypocrite. "Love thy neighbor as thyself." You're persecuting both Brian Littrell and the entire gay community. Jesus would reach out to them, not attack them like you have in this article.
Anonymous said…
Amazing the number of wishy-washy fence straddling commenters on your blog.

Well, let them rewrite the Bible to suit their little Heart Throb. They'll have to answer for it someday; we won't.
Anonymous said…
"“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you. Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye? Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye."

Let God handle the judgment of men. You worry about yourself.
Sassy Steph B said…
I read this and i kinda have to laugh. You comment on Pastor Warren and his church, you talk about Brian Littrell and his principles as a Christian and yet you do not say a thing about your self. Are You a saint? Are You a devine being free of blemish? You've never committed sins? In the Bible I read Jesus makes it clear how he feel about those who point fingers and pass judgment. Matthew 7 :1-5 and John 8: 1-11 are CLEAR examples of that. The bible also says that God shows no favoritism. Romans 2:11 and the same idea over and over in various places ( Deut 10:17, Job 34:19, Acts 10:34, Romans 9:14) You are not better than Brian and Brian is not better than you BECAUSE God says so.
The bible also says no sin is greater than another. JAMES 2:10 says that if u are guilty of one you are guilty of all.
so stop talking about how Brian has sawdust in his eye and concerned with the plank in your own. He's done more to help Christianity than people like you have, passing judgment and looking down on people. I sincerely hope that at some point us Christians will realize that salvation is personal and its your job to make sure your life is in order and lead by example so that other might change not by your words but by your actions.
Anonymous said…
@Mr. Hartline; sorry, I'm from Holland and Í have never heard about you, but I dó know Brian Littrell and the other boys, and when I heard that Brian was attempting this SF Pride parade, I must admit, I was a little bit surprised too, and did'nt expect that because of his faith and his morals...But the way YOU judge him and all the other people, do you thik that is right in God's eyes? Leave Brian alone, he has his heart on the right place, and there are soooooo many other, more important things on this world goïng on! Let's be more respectful to eacht other, also to the gay community, I dó not support that, but I also do not judge them, and I really don't think I'm a better person because I'm straight.
Anonymous said…
I just came across this. I agree with James Hartline Report. He make some really good points. God teaches us not to idolize people. Truthfully many people idolized people. Brian Littrell is no exceptional to the rule because people think he is such a dedication christian. I'm catholic , I am not bashing BSB. All I have to say is take off the blinder. If he was a atrue man of the cloth, he would be using his money to help the less forunate and not spending it on 1,000 dollar crosses or paying for his wife clothing line that is so expensive and her profits are from the fans. If it was not for the fans, and the publicity that goes with the clothing line and help from Brian in support and saying how much he loves it. Truth to be told no fan would buy the items she sells. Brian is not honest. If you truly believe he is such a christian man. He would share his wealth with the less forunate then spending it on material things. Look at his house, his wife clothes, his wedding band, and other material things. I do not deny I like material things but truly know the difference between what I want and what I need. Brian Littrell plays a good show. With all his success you would think he would have spend it on something more "God like". Do you think he buys gifts for the homeless for christmas? Do you think he would volunteer at soup kitchen? Do you think he goes to church every Sunday? Do you think he makes charity donations to homeless shelters?
PEACE, you people! said…
I don't understand how a so-called Christian can be so insensitive, so callous and so judgmental and narrow-minded. They say "Christians are open-minded thanks to God" but I can see now that some of them aren't. I don't understand how you, James Hartline, can call yourself a oh-so-pure and devoted Christian when all you do is sin when insulting those who have a different opinion from yours, calling them "idiots". You say you follow God's rules, but didn't God want people "not to judge"? Didn't He say "love ye one another as I have loved you"? As many people said above, as a Christian, you should try to make others have faith in God by telling them that God forgives and loves each and everyone of us no matter what. The only thing you did when writing this article was point fingers at a man, a human, who just wants people to open their eyes and make the hatred fade away. I, as a non-Christian, just gave my opinion right there, didn't judge nor bash, and I don't think I'm better than anyone. I just accept people the way they are and try not to judge even though sometimes it's a little hard. Yes, I have flaws, like everyone else on this Earth. Nobody's perfect, certainly not you, and people who are considered different, like gays, only seek acceptance for who they are because they can't change that aspect of their lives. What would you want them to do? Kill themselves? I don't think that would be a solution. Furthermore, if you found the person you're in love with was gay, how would you react? For me, bashing people, whatever the reason is, is a discrimination, just like racism : gays, blacks, Christians, handicapped, etc. All those people called "different" or "abnormal" are used to being bashed but still, we shouldn't purposely hurt them in any way. Look, some reports said that some gays have been trying to change their sexual orientation because they were afraid of bad comments or stares towards them, afraid of people like you. They tried being what so many people call "normal" but they failed. And guess what? They were meant to fail, because you can't change who you are. Try to push away your real personality and it will only come back stronger. For your information, you said that it is written in the Bible that homosexuality is a sin but, according to your quotes, homosexuality isn't classified as a sin. You can say whatever you want, it is right here in black and white. By the way, you seem to only be quoting anecdotes and paragraphs from the Bible because it makes it as though you knew everything. Therefore, I think you're only a show-off and a pretentious and venomous person. You should be humble and forgiving to the people around you. You should stop being so haughty as well, because there are people out there who aren't quite calm when someone bashes them. These people could beat the shit out of you, you know? I'm not threatening you nor being haughty, I'm just giving you advice for you could use them someday.
Otherwise, I don't think you should cast the first stone and judge others, because you certainly aren't lacking in flaws and sins and only God can judge.
Anonymous said…
Actually.. God is against gays and lesbians, just look at what gappened in sodom and gomorra.. I believe mr. Hartman is ryt.. I'm very disappinted to the comments i've read stating that christianity allows gays...
PEACE, people! said…
I don't understand how a so-called Christian can be so insensitive, so callous and so judgmental and narrow-minded. They say "Christians are open-minded thanks to God" but I can see now that some of them aren't. I don't understand how you, James Hartline, can call yourself a oh-so-pure and devoted Christian when all you do is sin when insulting those who have a different opinion from yours, calling them "idiots". You say you follow God's rules, but didn't God want people "not to judge"? Didn't He say "love ye one another as I have loved you"? As many people said above, as a Christian, you should try to make others have faith in God by telling them that God forgives and loves each and everyone of us no matter what. The only thing you did when writing this article was point fingers at a man, a human, who just wants people to open their eyes and make the hatred fade away. I, as a non-Christian, just gave my opinion right there, didn't judge nor bash, and I don't think I'm better than anyone. I just accept people the way they are and try not to judge even though sometimes it's a little hard. Yes, I have flaws, like everyone else on this Earth. Nobody's perfect, certainly not you, and people who are considered different, like gays, only seek acceptance for who they are because they can't change that aspect of their lives. What would you want them to do? Kill themselves? I don't think that would be a solution. Furthermore, if you found the person you're in love with was gay, how would you react? For me, bashing people, whatever the reason is, is a discrimination, just like racism : gays, blacks, Christians, handicapped, etc. All those people called "different" or "abnormal" are used to being bashed but still, we shouldn't purposely hurt them in any way. Look, some reports said that some gays have been trying to change their sexual orientation because they were afraid of bad comments or stares towards them, afraid of people like you. They tried being what so many people call "normal" but they failed. And guess what? They were meant to fail, because you can't change who you are. Try to push away your real personality and it will only come back stronger. For your information, you said that it is written in the Bible that homosexuality is a sin but, according to your quotes, homosexuality isn't classified as a sin. You can say whatever you want, it is right here in black and white. By the way, you seem to only be quoting anecdotes and paragraphs from the Bible because it makes it as though you knew everything. Therefore, I think you're only a show-off and a pretentious and venomous person. You should be humble and forgiving to the people around you. You should stop being so haughty as well, because there are people out there who aren't quite calm when someone bashes them. These people could beat the shit out of you, you know? I'm not threatening you nor being haughty, I'm just giving you advice for you could use them someday.
Otherwise, I don't think you should cast the first stone and judge others, because you certainly aren't lacking in flaws and sins and only God can judge.
1greenthumb said…
While I feel that you Mr. Hartline have the right to your opinion, I do not agree with it. To play on a quote from Shakespeare, We do not know what lies in the hearts of men. Only God knows that and you were not put on this earth to condemn but to spread the gospel to All human beings. What does that mean? It means that you walk in among people as Christ did when he was here. You have to go where they are. We All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God and You have no right to be judgemental of others, that is not why you were put here. That is a sin in of itself. Do I support the Gay lifestyle? No I do not, but I do not condemn them either, that is between that person or persons and God. Ok nuff said.
1greenthumb said…
While I feel that you Mr. Hartline have the right to your opinion, I do not agree with it. To play on a quote from Shakespeare, We do not know what lies in the hearts of men. Only God knows that and you were not put on this earth to condemn but to spread the gospel to All human beings. What does that mean? It means that you walk in among people as Christ did when he was here. You have to go where they are. We All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God and You have no right to be judgemental of others, that is not why you were put here. That is a sin in of itself. Do I support the Gay lifestyle? No I do not, but I do not condemn them either, that is between that person or persons and God. Ok nuff said.
Anonymous said…
You're an asshole, along with many people in the church, i hate seeing christianity become more and more forced on people as time passes, seemingly kinda like what al queda is trying to do, I don't know if I believe in religion or not yet, but I do believe that people should be treated justly and equally. Now, I am a bit racist and have plenty good reason to be, but that doesn't mean I go out of my way trying to cast them into hell. Who cares if there's a gay pride parade, just cause your grossed out by it for some reason. I'm not gay, and the thought of fuckin another dude makes me shiver and turn white, but I also don't care if it doesn't involve me. Seemingly the ones supporting the church and going out to fight these "dark forces" are themselves the dark forces. Telling people how to live, saying their ways are disgusting, who gives a shit pal. They're doing their own thing. Now, how do you even know what they're doing is dark? Maybe it's just different, and weird, but who has given you the right to claim your some prophet when I guarantee you have never had a religious episode (note: doing payote to get in touch with your spiritual side doesn't count) I'm not bashing religion cause I don't even know if I believe or not. But the nut bars like you running around saying GOD EXISTS, GOD EXISTS, and telling people they're wrong when you yourself don't actually know if your just going to lay in a hole in the ground for eternity, but you have a hunch, and you believe with no factual evidence, and that's all it is. It's what YOU BELEIVE, beliefs are not laws dickhead. You disgust me
Anonymous said…
How does a true Christian man choose to be a drunk in front of his child???..he had no problem apparently approving a person on instagram to post this picture of him being a drunk in front of his 11 year old child. It says alot about the man..
Heather said…
This is what is happening nowadays. The Bible is being distorted and twisted to fit people's sinful lifestyles.
I have nothing against gay people. I'm sure many of them are very kind and good. But homosexuality is a sin. God made a man and a women to come together. To bring life into this world.
It is very sad to read the comments from other people. It must break God's heart to hear His people being so deceived.

In the Bible, Jesus sat with the sinners. He didn't name-call, bash, or fight. But he certainly didn't conform to fit in with them.
I think being kind to someone vs. supporting a sinful lifestyle are two very separate things. Homosexuals deserve respect just like any human being deserves respect but they need to know the truth. If someone really gets into the Word and asks the Lord to tell them truth about homosexuality...I bet these comments would be much different.

Anonymous said…
I absolutely reject the homosexual lifestyle based on Biblical principles; however, the manner in which you go about condemning homosexuals is unwise and unloving. We recently had a homosexual come to our church... and was set free from homosexuality. How? We prayed, fasted and loved on him.

You're ignorant and the reason many homosexuals do not repent. Your words come with a spirit not of God. I discern a Pharisee.
Anonymous said…
This whole discussion is stupid. We could treat this whole thing as a witch hunt and all I can see is people getting edgy. I don't believe that homosexuality is condoned in the bible. I also believe that Jesus wants to share love not hatred. Just because a person does not agree with a sexual persuasion, apparently that means that they are a homophobe. 'Phobia' meaning fear and has nothing to do with having a belief or opinion. The sad thing as well is that people are so bound up by their sexuality (and I am not referring only to same sex) that they will get into these massive arguments when all I am hearing is attitude and addiction. Jesus is love but sin is sin. We all have sin in our lives whether it is sexual, bitterness, hatred, anger etc. None of us are better than anyone else. The bible does speak out against sin including homosexuality. We all have issues to deal with. Instead of taking pot-shots at each other, support as a form of love is far better. We can argue but there is really no way to convince each other. Especially when there is so much attitude being thrown around. (Prov 16:18). We can pray and hope that God convicts me of what I am doing wrong and that God convicts you of what you are doing wrong. The truth is none of us are perfect. (Luke 18:19). All of us have fallen short. (Rom 3:23). Maybe we should face up to who we are and try to be like Jesus. NUFSED!
Anonymous said…
I agree completely. Jesus asked us to do three things:
Love God
Love yourself
Love your neighbor
Are gays not our neighbors? Brian is doing exactly what Jesus asked him to do. Is there something wrong with that? I don't see anything wrong.
Anonymous said…
Have we all forgotten that God loves us all? He created us all as we are. God does not make mistakes. Each of us were fully intended. Jesus asked us to do three things:
Love God
Love yourself
Love your neighbor
Are gays not our neighbors?
Unknown said…
Unknown said…
Almost all the comments it looks like, they are coming from people who either think they are Christians, or are just not at all. Totally twisting scriptures. Christians are to judge/discern false from truth. And that is just what James is doing. He is not doing anything wrong biblically speaking. God does love homosexuals, but He does not love their sin of homosexuality. Sin is what put Jesus in the cross! These are the last days where people are so blinded by their son and pride they can't see straight even if they were hit in the face. They do not want to let go of sin, so they attack the bible and Christians. But your not really attacking us, your attacking God. Don't claim to be a Christian then comment something negative about the guy who wrote the article. All he did was expose one of "many" who claim to follow Christ, then live like the devil.
Anonymous said…
You are a sad human being... No God teaches hates like you.. God is all about Love, so stop connection bible and religion to go against LOVE

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