Gay-Friendly Community Group Blocks Christian Candidate From Participating In Candidate Panel At Public Elementary School

The James Hartline Report
- On The Frontlines Of The Culture War -
February 14, 2008
~ Campaign 2008 Update ~

Religious Discrimination Corrupts San Diego City Council
Race For The Second Time In Four Weeks.

Gay-Friendly Community Group Blocks Christian Candidate
From Participating In Candidate Panel At Public Elementary School.

This is the second time San Diego Christian Candidate James Hartline
has not been allowed to participate with gay candidates
in District 3 City Council candidate's forum.

(JHReport) For the second time in recent weeks, complaints of religious discrimination are being alledged in the highly contested San Diego City Council race to replace lesbian City Councilwoman Toni Atkins. James Hartline, a nationally recognized Christian activist and San Diego City Council candidate vying to replace Councilwoman Atkins, has been the target of political attacks and discrimination by homosexual activists during his campaign. Last month, Hartline was denied the right to participate in a candidate forum at a gay-friendly church with other candidates who are campaigning for the District 3 City Council seat.

The religious discrimination being directed towards Hartline by members of San Diego's homosexual movement has been so pronounced that even the Gay and Lesbian Times called for an end to the discriminatory efforts that are targeting Hartline. An editorial in the Gay and Lesbian Times stated:

"Regardless of whether you agree with ex-gay religious crusader turned candidate for
District 3 City Council James Hartline, there’s no disputing the fact he has a voice. Some
local political and community organizations, however, are working their hardest to make
sure you don’t hear it. The Kensington-Talmadge Community Association, for example, did
not invite Hartline to attend its candidates forum. Likewise, The San Diego County
Republican Party and the San Diego Democratic Club went out of their way to prevent
Hartline from participating in candidates forums."

Four weeks after Hartline was blocked from participating in the candidate forum at Kensington Community Church, there is new and troubling evidence that gay-friendly political forces in San Diego are intensifying their attempts to keep Hartline out of venues where the other candidates in his race are participating in public forums. On Tuesday, February 19, 2008 the South Castle Neighborhood Association will be holding a candidate panel discussion at Florence Griffith Joyner Elementary School located at 4721 Myrtle Avenue in the heart of San Diego's City Heights district. While other candidates in the District 3 race have been invited, James Hartline is not being permitted to participate on the panel at the school.

"No one contacted me or invited me," states Hartline. "This is another case of gay activists who demand tolerance from Christians, but then these same gay activists are willing to corrupt our political system by blocking Christians from participating in our constitutionally-guaranteed political process," he adds.

Hartline says that he was recently contacted by one of his supporters who is a member of the South Castle Neighborhood Association, the group that is hosting the Feb. 19th candidate event. His supporter says that one of the leaders of the association who is homosexual told the organization's members that Hartline wasn't invited because "he probably wasn't interested in participating in the event." Hartline's supporter would not have known otherwise if she hadn't called him.

This Hartline supporter also states that she spoke with one of the women who was involved in organizing the candidate event at the public elementary school on February 19th. She tells Hartline that the organizer told her that instructions were given to John Hartley to invite the other candidates to participate in the panel discussion at Florence Griffith Joyner Elementary School. John Hartley, a liberal Democrat who is running against Hartline in the District 3 race, never contacted Hartline to invite him. According to Hartline's supporter, she was told that Hartley did invite the gay candidates in the city council race to attend the panel.

John Hartley is the described coordinator for an alliance called "Neighborhoods For Clean Elections." It is clear that Hartley does not extend support for clean elections when it comes to Christians like James Hartline running for public office. John Hartley has never made any effort to contact Hartline about participating in any campaign forums or discussions. "Hartley's hypocrisy in the matter of the discrimination being waged against me is a blackeye on the face of fair political practices in our city," says Hartline.

Organizers for the candidate forum on the school property have had ample time to invite Hartline. District 3 candidate Todd Gloria, a gay activist who advocates legalizing male sodomy in the military, has had the February 19th candidate's event posted on his campaign website for several weeks. At no time has anyone contacted Hartline to make sure that he was given an invitation.

While advocates for San Diego's radicalized gay movement are determined to block Hartline from appearing at various forums with the other candidates in his race, District 3 voters are not very happy with the attacks on him. "The more they discriminate against me, the more phone calls I am getting with offers to help my campaign," says Hartline.

Hartline says that he now has six volunteers who are circulating nominating petitions for his campaign. "One week ago, I only had one volunteer who was gathering signatures for my campaign. I now have six. Support is growing for my campaign despite attempts by gay special interests to stop me from enjoying the same constitutional rights that the other candidates are taking for granted."

San Diego voters would be well-served by taking a closer look at the corruption that is going on in the District 3 race. It is an important opportunity to see how the problems at city hall are first conceived and created at the grassroots level in the city council districts.

"What you have in this situation are certain leaders of community groups who are willing to deceive and to discriminate to make sure that their candidate is elected and then they have control over the people's business at city hall," says Hartline.

"Once again, hypocrisy and corruption are playing key roles in promoting a specific segment of the gay community in San Diego, California. And my job as the District 3 Councilman will be to drive out the moral rot and corruption at City Hall so that our district's communities will have fairness and integrity when the people's business is being conducted by the city council," Hartline strongly contends.

For Hartline, he is trusting in God and the good judgment of his district's voters to help him win his election. Hartline also believes that over the next three months, thousands of Christian voters in District 3 will line up to support him and his message of bringing integrity, justice and truth to San Diego's municipal government.

"This corruption will be defeated. I will fight the good fight until this religious discrimination against Christians in San Diego is fully prosecuted and these anti-christian bigots are given their eviction notices from the political system," contends a determined James Hartline.

Concerned Citizens can contact Florence Griffith-Joyner Elementary School to demand that they put a stop to the religious discrimination occuring on their school's property via James Hartline being kept out of the candidate's forum on school property.
Florence Griffith-Joyner Elementary School
Phone Numbers(619) 640-4000(619) 640-4090

This has been an exclusive James Hartline Report - 2008 Campaign Update.
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James Hartline, Publisher
The James Hartline Report
Educating The Church
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