JHReport - Ecke Poinsettia Boycott Spreads Nationwide - Hundreds Of Babies Could Be Rescued From Planned Parenthood As A Result

A James Hartline Report Exclusive
On The Frontlines Of The Culture War!
December 26, 2006
The Church's Finest Hour:
Hundreds Of Babies Could Be Rescued
From Planned Parenthood In 2007
As Boycott of Ecke Poinsettias Quickly Spreads Nationwide:
Ecke Family Funding Of Planned Parenthood Includes $250,000 Contribution
To Carlsbad, California Abortion Clinic in 2005 and thousands of dollars given
to defeat Parental Notification California Prop. 85 in 2006
(The Carlsbad Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic Is Named After Mrs. Ecke)
Ecke Ranch, America's Number One Producer Of Poinsettias,
Loses Thousands Of Customers Due To Ecke Family Funding
Of Planned Parenthood Abortionists
JHReport Exclusive - What began as one man's campaign to pull money out of the hands of the abortion doctors of Planned Parenthood, has now turned into a nationwide boycott that shows no signs of abating. James Hartline, a well known Christian activist from San Diego, California, learned a year ago that the family owners of Ecke Ranch in Encinitas, California are America's leading producer of poinsettias. Producing flowers is not the only economic interests within the Ecke Family. They are also major financial contributors to the abortion mills of Planned Parenthood (www.jameshartlinereport.blogspot.com/2006/11/action-alert-how-christians-are.html).
The Ecke Family is so determined to see that the extermination of pre-born infants continues in San Diego County, that they contributed $250,000 to a Carlsbad, California Planned Parenthood Clinic in 2005. The Ecke contribution helped renovate the clinic and allowed the abortion facility to double the number of customers its sees everyday (www.nctimes.com/articles/2005/11/18/news/coastal/23_38_1511_17_05.txt).
As determined as the Eckes are to ensure Planned Parenthood's financial success, James Hartline is just as determined to make sure that Christians and pro-life activists throughout America become aware of what purchasing Ecke Ranch poinsettias means in terms of financing the abortion industry. A poinsettia pot purchased during Christmas time can cost from $8.00 to as much as $52.00 from a high-end retailer like FTD (www.ftd.com). 70% of all poinsettias purchased in America originate from Ecke Ranch.
According to the Guttmacher Institute, the average cost for aborting a pre-born ten week-old baby in the United States was $372 in 2001 (www.guttmacher.org/in-the-know/cost.html). Thus, the average cost of such an abortion is equivalent to purchasing approximately seven expensive FTD poinsettia floral arrangements or twenty-five lesser priced poinsettia pots at most retailers.
Hartline believes that Christians can effectively save thousands of babies from being exterminated at San Diego Planned Parenthood clinics by simply not buying Ecke Ranch poinsettias. And apparently Christians throughout America agree with Hartline. Hartline's poinsettia boycott is rapidly turning into one of the biggest stands on behalf of the pre-born in American history. Hartline also believes that the Ecke family hierarchy will eventually have to decide what their business priorities really are. If the family continues to fund the abortion mills of Planned Parenthood they will eventually lose millions of dollars in lost poinsettia sales.
-One Man's Stand Turns Into A National Tidal Wave Of Support For Life-
James Hartline's passion for the children of his generation is unlimited. For the first fourteen years of his life, Hartline was the victim of terrible child abuse by a family member. Based on that long and painful experience, protecting kids and saving their lives is one of Hartline's highest life priorities. When Hartline found out in January, 2006 that the Ecke Family makes millions of dollars each year selling poinsettias to churches and youth groups at the same time that they give hundreds of thousands of dollars to Planned Parenthood, he became outraged at such vile hypocrisy. Hartline immediately went into action by starting a boycott against Ecke products. Hartline tells the JHReport that America is responding big time to his boycott. "From San Diego to Missouri, from Arizona to South Carolina, something has been sparked in the hearts of Christians everywhere," Hartline states.
San Diego Women Go To War To Save Babies From Planned Parenthood:
East County Pregnancy Center Staff Make Big Stand For Life
Director Of Pregnancy Center
Lori Williams
They are some of the brightest and most courageous women in the war to save babies from the abortion holocaust that Planned Parenthood continues to pursue in America. They are the women who staff the East County Pregnancy Center located in El Cajon, California (www.ecpcc.org). Most pro-life activists will tell you that one of their hardest jobs is to maintain public interest in their battle to rescue babies from the death chambers of Planned Parenthood. When the JHReport contacted East County Pregnancy Center Director Lori Williams about the Ecke Ranch poinsettia boycott, it didn't take any prodding to get a reaction from her.
As soon as Williams received the information proving that the Ecke Family had poured $250,000 into a Carlsbad Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in 2005, she responded with the question, "What can I do to help?"
Within days of initially contacting the East County Pregnancy Center, Lori Williams tells the JHReport that she and her staff have responded tremendously. Williams states that she and her staff have emailed hundreds of pro-life activists in four different states as well as California.
The bold women at the East County Pregnancy Center have done more than just talk about the poinsettia boycott. In fact, they have actually followed up their stand to rescue babies from the Ecke-financed Planned Parenthood by demonstrating with financial proof that they mean business.
Lori Williams told the JHReport that last year the staff at the pregnancy center purchased 56 full bloom pots of poinsettias. At an average cost of fifteen dollars each, the center's staff spent approximately $840 on poinsettias in 2005. Because of the boycott, the staff did not spend any money on poinsettias this year. That $840 is equivalent to the payments charged for two abortions performed on women carrying ten week-old pre-born babies. Williams and her staff are ecstatic that participating in the boycott will keep that money directly out of the Ecke's hands and indirectly out of the bank accounts of the abortionists.
School Board President Backs Her Claims With Her Pocketbook:
Priscilla Schreiber - A Real Pro-Life Politician
In today's world of broken-promise politics, most elected officials who claim to be pro-life during campaign speeches, very rarely demonstrate that they are really pro-life once elected. Priscilla Schreiber, President of the Grossmont Union High School District, is that rare exception in the unfortunate world of politics where many elected officials have become masters of deception when it comes to protecting the pre-born. When Mrs. Schreiber heard that the Ecke Family contributes thousands of dollars every year to the abortion mills of Planned Parenthood, she immediately demonstrated that public officials can make a stand for their Christian beliefs despite their elected positions.
Once Schreiber learned that local poinsettia purchases were filling the rich bank accounts of the Ecke Family at the same time that the Ecke's continue to bankroll the abortion industry, she refused to buy any of their products this year. Schreiber told the JHReport that last year she bought six large Ecke poinsettia pots for approximately $75.00 for her home. This year, Schreiber bought none of the blood red Christmas season flowers.
Mission Valley Christian Fellowship: A Church Where Jesus and Life Are Its Mission:
In 2007, MVCF Will Have Saved One Baby By Not Purchasing Poinsettias In 2006
Individuals were not the only San Diegans to make their stand in 2006 on behalf of the pre-born babies in America. Mission Valley Christian Fellowship, a 1,500 member church located in central San Diego County (www.mvcf.com), will have saved a little baby in the next twelve months as a result of not buying any poinsettias this year. During the church's Sunday services, the stage from which Pastor Leo Giovinetti preaches from, is always decorated with a wide array of beautiful floral arrangements and other creative accessories. Each Christmas, Mission Valley Christian Fellowship stage designers Linda Reynolds and Kathy Kuhn create one of the best Christmas season arrangements in San Diego. This year however, there was one item missing from the Mission Valley Christian Fellowhip Christmas display that had many of the pro-life members of the congregation standing proud and rejoicing: Ecke Ranch poinsettias.
Instead of purchasing the $400 worth of Ecke products, twenty large artificial poinsettia pots lined the stage of the church sanctuary. The $400 that could have been spent on Ecke poinsettias this year, will now be considered money that did not fall into the hands of the abortion doctors working for Planned Parenthood. Somewhere in the future, a little baby, perhaps a future preacher, will be alive because Mission Valley Christian Fellowship did not buy Ecke Ranch poinsettias in 2006.
San Diego Republican Activists Make Big Pro-Life Stand
By Saying, "No!" To Ecke Ranch Poinsettias
One of the most aggressive participants in this year's Ecke poinsettia boycott has been San Diego Republican Party activist Kim Tran (www.votekimtran.org). Tran, who recently lost her bid to represent the 76th State Assembly District, told the JHReport that her family purchases a large number of poinsettia pots each Christmas. Last year, she and her relatives purchased fourteen pots at a cost of $120. There was no hesitation with Tran this year once she found out about the Ecke-abortion connection. Tran, a pro-life activist and outspoken critic of the abortion industry, joined all of her family members in the Ecke poinsettia boycott.
Chuck Stout, a well respected investor from El Cajon, California, recently garnered over 6,100 votes in his bid to become a central committee member of the San Diego County Republican Party leadership team (www.smartvoter.org/2006/06/06/ca/sd/vote/stout_c/). In his first run for public office, Stout gained the respect of many conservatives in his community. But more important to Stout than his growing notoriety within local GOP circles, is his stand for protecting the lives of unborn children. It was an easy call for Mr. Stout when he heard about the Ecke-Planned Parenthood connection. Stout told the JHReport that he did not spend any money on poinsettias this year and will be spreading the word to many of his fellow GOP pro-lifers.
Poinsettia Boycott Spreads To Arizona
JHReport Arizona Correspondents
Carl and Julie Fichtner
Pro-life activists and JHReport Arizona Correspondents Carl and Julie Fichtner are reporting that the boycott of Ecke Ranch poinsettias is now fully underway in the Mesa, Arizona area. At the annual JHReport Christmas banquet last week, the Fichtners told the JHReport that they are circulating information on the Eckes and their support for Planned Parenthood. Ms. Fichtner stated that she is recruiting local church members to get the word out on the poinsettia boycott. Carl Fichtner added that he expects far less poinsettias to be purchased next December as the size and scope of the boycott increases in Arizona.
Missouri Says, " No!" To Ecke Poinsettias:
And, "Yes!" To Rescuing Babies From Planned Parenthood.
Gregory Thompson of America Asleep Know More and
Coach Dave Daubenmire of Pass the Salt Ministries
In an exclusive Christmas day interview with Judy Leach, executive assistant to Greg Thompson, Founder and President of America Asleep kNOw More Ministries in Humansville, Missouri (www.asleepknowmore.com), Leach told the JHReport, that her office has gone into overdrive to participate in the Ecke poinsettia boycott. Leach states that she sent out a warning to over 1,000 recepients on her email list to boycott poinsettias this Christmas. In addition to her own email list, Ms. Leach stated that ministry president Gregory Thompson sent the same warning to over 200 additional email recepients as well. Located in Humansville, Missouri, Thompson and Leach head up one of America's most influential Christian activist organizations, having worked with such national figures as Judge Roy Moore and church historian David Barton.
Judy Leach is no stranger to the culture war that is engulfing America. Working with Thompson and many other Missouri activists, Leach was part of the recent Wal-Mart protests in central Missouri. Leach tells the JHReport that during those protests, she alerted the driver of a delivery truck full of poinsettias that the cargo was helping fund Planned Parenthood. The shipment was headed to a local church. Leach believes that the Missouri poinsettia boycott is already having a financial impact. Judy Leach knows of at least seven families who bought poinsettias last year, but they did not buy them this year because of the Ecke-Planned Parenthood connection. Not spending money on poinsettias this year, will mean these families gave life to babies in the next twelve months.
According to Ms. Leach, numerous other nationally recognized ministers were participating in the quickly expanding poinsettia boycott. Leach stated that Coach Dave Daubenmire, a well known conservative talkshow host (http://ptsalt.com/radio) and leader with Minutemen United (www.minutemenunited.org/index.php), has joined the boycott. R.L. Beasley, a Joplin, Missouri-based minister and community leader is also pressing forward with the boycott. Mark Kiser, another outspoken community leader in the area, is joining with Leach in the Missouri boycott. Leach was excited when she told the JHReport that Christian Conservative leader Jerry Blevin in Springfield, Missouri was also expanding the boycott to other parts of the state.
In Their Hunger For Wealth, The Eckes Have Not Gotten The Message:
Christmas Is Not About Flowers - It's About The Life Of Christ
Extraordinary is one of the many terms that can be applied to how quickly this wave of support for Hartline has spread in his war to save little babies from being exterminated by Planned Parenthood. The Eckes are wealthy millionaires who apparently care little about the trauma they are forcing upon America via their massive funding of the abortion mills of Planned Parenthood. The wealth of the Ecke Family is not deterring Hartline. In fact, the response that Hartline is getting nationwide is only emboldening him to press forward with more fierce determination then ever. Taking just one look at one news discussion board website and one can see why Hartline is so encouraged: FreeRepublic.com is showing that 3,500 comments have been made about the poinsettia boycott from readers nationwide (www.freerepublic.com/focus/keyword?k=poinsettia).
In their insidious hunger for more wealth, the Eckes continue to sell flowers at a time when the focus should be on Jesus and His mission to earth: to save life, not kill it. The idea that the Ecke Family gave $250,000 to a Carlsbad Planned Parenthood Clinic in 2005 where possibly hundreds of babies will be exterminated each year, demonstrates how far away from the true reason for the birth of Jesus, the Eckes have fallen. In addition to the surgical abortions performed at this clinic, there will be many more women who will obtain abortion pills via this Planned Parenthood clinic where they can exterminate their pre-born babies at home. The idea that all of this is made possible because of the wealth the Eckes have amassed from the sales of their poinsettias at Christmas time is truly one of the great injustices in America. The Ecke poinsettia boycott will serve as a means of bringing justice to this great national tragedy.
This JHReport has been provided by The James Hartline Report.
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Go to Catholic Answers and to the 'forum'. Look under pro-life or current events, etc. or whatever appropriate category and tell everyone about the poinsetta-Planned Parenthood connection and the Wudrey Geisel-Planned Parenthood one.
Also, the American Life League, a prolife group which is organizing a defunding of PP and Joe Scheidler of the Pro-Life Action League would all appreciate knowing and would pass it on. Let me tell you that lots of Catholic churches are filled with poinsettas at Christmas.
But who is Ecke's competition? We would all like to buy from them. Could you tell us?