Citizen Journalist James Hartline 
Reporting LIVE From The San Diego Communities
Hillcrest, North Park and City Heights

Shocking refusal by San Diego Police Department To Enforce State of Emergency Orders on Homeless Anarchists and Squatters is Fueling Spread of COVID-19 Coronavirus; Frustrated Residents, Business Owners and Healthcare Workers Are Perplexed and Outraged at Law Enforcement's Refusal To Force Homeless Off The Streets Where They Are Spreading Deadly Pandemic and Destroying Private Properties.

San Diego Democratic Party Leaders Are Covering Up Their COVID-19 Exposures And The Massive Numbers of People They Exposed To The Coronavirus. Mayoral Candidate Todd Gloria, Congressional Candidate Ammar Najjar, County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher, Congressional Candidate Georgette Gomez, City Council Candidates Kelvin Barrios, Andrea Cardenas, Steve Padilla and San Diego County Democratic Party Chairman Will Rodriguez-Kennedy. While some of them have been hospitalized, all of them had direct and intimate contact with COVID-19 infected Democrats. Gloria, Najjar and others have not self-quarantined or mentioned a single thing about it on any of their social media as they put politics above the safety of San Diego voters during the state of emergency.

One of the most disturbing photos in the political history of San Diego. Gay activist and Democrat Socialist mayoral candidate Todd Gloria proudly features this photo on his Facebook account. Gloria (2nd from the right) standing next to Will Rodriguez-Kennedy (2nd from the left). Rodriguez-Kennedy is the Chairman of the San Diego County Democrat Party. Will Rodriguez-Kennedy was admitted to the ICU at the Veteran's Hospital in La Jolla after he tested positive for the Coronavirus and his health rapidly declined. What is particularly creepy about Rodriguez-Kennedy in this photo at Todd Gloria's campaign event is how sloppy and unkept his attire is. His pants are unzipped and his belly is hanging over his pants. I have never EVER seen a chairman of any political party dressed this inappropriately in public much less for a campaign event for Todd Gloria's mayoral campaign. Most shocking of all is fact that Todd Gloria has not mentioned a single thing on any of his social media accounts about the many contacts he has had with Rodriguez-Kennedy and the other Democrats who have tested positive for COVID-19 with at least two being hospitalized.  Also in the photo is County Supervisor Nathan Fletcher and District 79 State Assembly candidate Shirley Weber.

 Photo below shows lesbian Democrat Socialist Georgette Gomez kissing gay San Diego County Democratic Party Chairman Will Rodriguez-Kennedy. Gomez, the current San Diego District 9 City Council representative, is the focus of a number of corruption allegations involving her handpicked successor to replace her on the city council gay activist Kelvin Barrios. Barrios, a Democrat Socialist and yes-man hack for the BIG employee unions, has also tested positive for the Coronavirus. Barrios was recently found guilty of stealing over $8,000 from the campaign treasuries of several different political campaigns including the 2016 city council campaign of Georgette Gomez. Despite the theft of campaign funds, Gomez and other Democratic Party officials and candidates, as well as the BIG unions, all endorsed Barrios during his primary campaign for the District 9 city council seat. Georgette Gomez is campaigning for a congressional seat in District 53.

The dishonesty of the media using a photoshopped image of Kelvin Barrios
 to cover up what he really looks like.

The corrupt San Diego Democratic Party Socialists Who Are Consumed With Pushing Their Socialist BIG Government takeover of San Diego while their own party leaders have exposed thousands of San Diego voters to the Coronavirus BUT THEY DON'T MENTION WHAT THEY HAVE DONE ANYWHERE ON ANY OF THEIR SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS.

Gay Chula Vista city councilman Steve Padilla has a long history of corruption and financial malfeasance as the former mayor of Chula Vista. Voters ran him out of office in 2006 after it was learned that he was spending $10,000 a month in taxpayer money on a personal bodyguard. Padilla is a crony career politician and Democrat Socialist who refuses to get out politics. He resurfaced shortly after losing his mayoral reelection bid to Republican Cheryl Cox in 2006 and he was eventually elected to a seat on the Chula Vista City Council. He was currently campaigning for reelection when he tested positive for COVID-19. His health deteriorated rapidly and he was admitted into the ICU and placed on a breathing ventilator.

Andrea Cardenas, another Democrat Socialist candidate for the Chula Vista city council, has tested positive for the Coronavirus. In a statement she released on March 26th, Cardenas states she first began to show symptoms on March 12, 2020. This means she could have been infected up to two weeks prior to that. She has been in close contact with a vast number of voters and Democratic Party officials and candidates. It also means she was probably infected during the March 3rd primary night celebration with all of the other Democrats including Todd Gloria, Will Rodriguez-Kennedy, Georgette Gomez, Steve Padilla, Ammar Najjar, Nathan Fletcher, Toni Atkins, Kelvin Barrios, Lorena Gonzalez and Chris Ward. 

COVIS-19 infected Andrea Cardenas has worked intimately with District 50 Congressional candidate Ammar Najjar, a Democrat Socialist and former Obama administration employee. Ammar Najjar was in close contact all night at the primary night celebration in downtown San Diego with other Democrats including those who have been infected with COVID-19.  Just like mayoral candidate Todd Gloria, Ammar Najjar has not mentioned a single thing in any of his social media about being exposed to those infected with the Coronavirus. Just like Todd Gloria, Ammar Najjar has not gone into self-quarantine or notified any of the thousands of voters he has been in contact with that he has been in close contact with Democrats who are infected with the Coronavirus.

Not a care in the world as Ammar Najjar intermingles in close contact with Democrat volunteers at his campaign headquarters on March 3, 2020. Najjar was taking no precautions or practicing any social distancing as Democratic Party leaders and candidates were infected with COVID-19 who Najjar had close contact with. Even though the orders to practive social distancing didn't officially go into effect until mid-March, President Trump's ban on travel with China went into effect on January 30th over a month prior to the March 3rd primary. Najjar knew about the growing numbers of Coronavirus infections and he showed zero concern about it on March 3rd EVEN AS HIS CLOSEST POLITICAL ASSOCIATIONS WERE BEING INFECTED WITH THE DEADLY DISEASE.

This tells the world everything they need to know about Democrat Socialist Ammar Najjar. On his current Twitter feed he hasn't mentioned one thing about his close campaign associate and former staffer Andrea Cardenas being infected with COVID-19 or any of the other infected Democrats he has had close contact with. Nor has he self-quarantined himself or stated he was getting tested. Instead, he is playing politics with the deadly pandemic. He had the audacity to post the following tweet yesterday where he attacks his Republican opponent Darrell Issa, claiming Darrell Issa is "late to recognizing the seriousness of Coronavirus" at the same time Najjar is covering up his own reckless suppression of information regarding his contacts with COVID-19 infected Democrats.

This is evidence of the utterly fraudulent political games that Democrat Socialist Ammar Najjar is playing while he and his Democrat Party activists are endangering thousands and thousands of San Diego voters with the Coronavirus. In the midst of the epidemic as his own party leaders were become deathly ill with the Coronavirus, Najjar was sending out fake "people over politics" tweets to seduce Republicans to support his campaign. Just days earlier he was retweeting a Democrat Socialist's tweets that attacked Republican President Trump and Carl DeMaio. 

A former Obama administration employee, Ammar Najjar has no plans to work with Republicans. He is employing the same campaign tactics that other Democrat Socialists used to win congressional seats in Republican-leaning districts in 2018. Like Trojan horses, as soon as these Democrat Socialists were elected and seated in congress in 2018 they joined the Resist Movement and every single one of them voted to impeach President Trump.

The Shocking Photos I Captured Yesterday in Hillcrest showing an SDPD patrol car drive by multiple homeless anarchists as they were breaking the state of emergency order. One man was completely passed out as he lay on the ground in the CVS parking lot and the police patrol car ignored him and drove away.

These are the photographs I captured today in Hillcrest, North Park and City Heights as I traveled to and from the UCSD Hospital in Hillcrest. These images are revolting, upsetting and disturbing in light of the all out war that residents and healthcare workers are waging to save lives and defeat the Coronavirus Pandemic.

Why is the city giving homeless anarchists a compliance exemption to the state of emergency order that mandates all San Diego residents stay off the streets except to go to the hospital, a pharmacy, a grocery store or to go outside for brief exercise? Why have all non-essential businesses been forced to close down, all church services shut down, all public gatherings banned, all public parks and beaches closed and all residents forced to shelter at home BUT the homeless anarchists and illegal squatters are permitted to camp out on public sidewalks, gather in large groups, urinate and defecate on public and private properties, drink alcohol, do illegal drugs, pass out on public and private properties, threaten to assault law abiding citizens and roam the entire city spreading the deadly Coronavirus Pandemic?

The images below demonstrate the now common place refusal of San Diego Police Department patrol officers to confront or respond to the large and growing numbers of homeless anarchists and squatters in the city who refuse to comply with any aspect of the city's state of emergency orders. In the images is the notorious CVS liquor store and pharmacy on Washington Street and 3rd Avenue where the store floods the area's homeless with liquor and prescription drugs. Homeless squatters camp out on the public sidewalks in front of the CVS store twenty fours a day where they are perpetually intoxicated, living in filthy, unsanitary squalor and urinating and defecating on the sidewalk and in the bushes on the CVS property while residents are forced to witness their depraved, illegal conduct. Notice immediately to the right of the SDPD patrol car there is a homeless squatter completely passed out on the property of the CVS store and the patrol officer just drives by and ignores him. The patrol officer could clearly see the homeless anarchists camped out on the sidewalk all around the CVS store and the patrol officer made no effort to enforce the state of emergency or to force the homeless to leave the area and check into the free housing being provided by the city during the state of emergency. 

This is exactly how the Coronavirus is being spread throughout the city and county. It is assumed that most, if not all, of the homeless in San Diego are infected with the Coronavirus. Everything they touch, everything they breath on is being contaminated with the deadly pandemic. These homeless anarchists block sidewalks forcing pedestrians to come into direct contact with them. Because this CVS is a pharmacy every customer and employee who enters or exits the store comes into direct contact with the homeless anarchists who refuse to leave the premises. Every resident who waits for the bus at the bus stop is forced to be in direct contact with the homeless anarchists with COVID-19. Then these residents get on the buses after having been in close contact with the COVID-19 infected homeless anarchists. If the resident decides to stop at a major grocery store before going home they could spread the Coronavirus to every other customer in the store. Being that many of the customers who go to the CVS pharmacy are senior citizens and disabled patients their encounter with these COVID-19 homeless anarchists could very well turn out to be a death sentence for them: all because SDPD patrol officers refuse to enforce the law and the state of emergency in the city.

The nightmare images I observed and captured today in City Heights where the notoriously filthy, unsanitary and scandal ridden Mid-City Church of The Nazarene located at 4101 University Avenue operates a free food bank. In 2018 this church was the focus of horrific sexual abuse and rape charges against its pastor. John Wright, a highly rated theology professor at Point Loma Nazarene University and pastor of the English congregation at Mid-City Church of The Nazarene was accused of rape and sexual harassment by a young woman who says he convinced her to have sex with him so she could be healed of past sexual abuse. Point Loma Nazarene University confirmed that Wright remains an employee and works with the College of Arts, Humanities and Natural Studies. To say that this church has a history of disobeying and flaunting the law as upwell as a blatant disregard for the health and safety of the City Heights Community is an understatment. 

In complete violation of the city's state emergency and the closure of all churches and large gatherings, the Mid-City Church of The Nazarene at 4101 University Avenue had their free food bank open today. As the photographs reveal scores of people refused to practice social distancing. They were congregating in groups and people were standing next to each other and in close proximity with each other. Pedestrians walking on the street are forced to literally touch the people blocking the sidewalk.

A large portion of the individuals are Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai and Laotian as well as Hispanic. Many of them could be illegals so they are even less unlikely to report themselves as sick with the Coronavirus. This means they are walking "Typhoid Mary" individuals.

Mary Mallon (September 23, 1869 – November 11, 1938), also known as Typhoid Mary, was an Irish-born cook believed to have infected 51 people, three of whom died, with typhoid fever, and the first person in the United States identified as an asymptomatic carrier of the disease. Because she persisted in working as a cook, by which she exposed others to the disease, she was twice forcibly isolated by authorities, and died after a total of nearly three decades in isolation.

There is no telling how many of the individuals at the food bank today have had contact recently with other Asians from China and other COVID-19 hotspot nations or how many have recently travelled to casinos or mixed with family members who have recently traveled to foreign nations. 

Many of the Asian individuals are known as professional free food bank abusers where they travel from one free food bank to another one every day all over San Diego where they abuse the free food bank system, often hoarding food or selling it. Once infected with COVID-19 they get on public buses with carts full of free food, they empty it at their homes, then get back on the buses with empty carts and travel to the next free food bank on their list. Many people have monitored these individuals and have verified them as they show up at multiple different free food banks in violation of the San Diego Food Bank's rules.

The San Diego Food Bank is being very disingenuous at best when answering questions about fraud in their program called Cal Fresh:
What are some myths about CalFresh I can help debunk?
Myth: CalFresh has high rates of fraud.
Fact: CalFresh has one of the most rigorous quality control systems and the lowest fraud rates of any public benefit program, less than 2%. 
Myth: Applying for CalFresh can impact my immigration status.
Fact: Applying for CalFresh does not affect your immigration status or your application for citizenship in any way. Legal permanent residents are eligible for CalFresh immediately in California, and receiving benefits will not hurt your chances of becoming a citizen. Similarly, if you are an undocumented immigrant and apply for CalFresh on behalf of your citizen children, your immigration status will not be shared with authorities. Confidentiality is strictly enforced at all CalFresh offices.

Obviously the Free Food Banks are suffering more than 2% fraud in their programs as evidenced by the observed number of Asian professional free food bankers who travel from one food bank to the next one several times a week to load up carts full of free food. If they do not have identification and they refuse to speak english just how exactly are the volunteers at the Mid-City Church of The Nazarene verifying who they are? Do all of the volunteers and staff speak Chinese and Vietnamese? As the San Diego Food Bank website clearly states, "Your immigration status will not be shared with authorities. Confidentiality is strictly enforced at all CalFresh offices." In other words, the program isn't cooperating with federal authorities, so how exactly can anyone have confidence in the organization's claim that they only have a 2% rate of fraud among those receiving food from the various food banks.

It is abundantly clear as evidenced by the scenes of individuals violating every aspect of the state of emergency at multiple free food bank sites that volunteers with the San Diego Food Bank at at least two different churches that I photographed over the last two days are not even enforcing the state of emergency orders.

These individuals at the church's free food bank were clearly not practicing social distancing. They were so crowded and packed into close proximity with each other that they blocked the sidewalks so that pedestrians were forced to come into close contact with them when walking on the sidewalk.

Groups of people were standing right next to each other and touching each other on the public sidewalk in front of the church. They sat on church building property which means the church property itself is contaminated with COVID-19. This church is filthy and it never cleans the outside of the church or sanitizes anything.

They are literally blocking the sidewalk so that pedestrians are forced to come into contact with them. Their dirty bags and carts are sitting on the church property. The CalFresh program at the San Diego Food Bank is completely dishonest in its declared policies regarding their enforcement of the state of emergency orders.

The photographs show food bankers sitting all over the church property which is never sanitized or cleaned on the outside. It is one of the most filthy, unsanitary properties in the entire community of City Heights.

This is a male volunteer/employee with the free food bank at the church and he is in close, immediate contact with three woman in front of the church. They are clearly not enforcing any social distancing as mandated by the state of emergency.

The woman in green is the employee with the food bank at the church and she is not enforcing any of the rules of the state of emergency.

These are photos I captured on Monday at another free food bank at a church in North Park. There was no enforcement of the state of emergency at that church either. At one point I observed over thirty people congregated in close proximity to each other in the line waiting to get free food. Not one person was practicing social distancing. These are mostly homeless anarchists who get food from the food bank. They don't have identification so how is the food bank identifying fraud. This food bank enables the homeless anarchists to camp out in North Park where they are spreading the Coronavirus.

Is This Social Distancing?

Homeless anarchists squatting and camped out on the property of an apartment complex on University Avenue in Hillcrest. There is no enforcement of the state of emergency on these homeless anarchists.

As I waited to get on the public bus in Hillcrest a very sick man exited bus. When I got on the bus this is the sear that the sick passenger had been sitting on. He left his vomit and other contaminated fluid on the bus seat along with a contaminated rag. The bus driver refused to take action to order the passengers to exit the bus so it could be disinfected and the waste removed. THIS IS HOW COVID-19 IS BEING SPREAD.

Filthy contaminated alley in Hillcrest where homeless anarchists camp out, do drugs, pollute the environment with their urine and defecation and they cover the dumpster with gang graffiti. This is the gay community where Democrats control every political seat and elected position. The Democrats on the city council and in the state assembly and state senate like Todd Gloria, Toni Atkins, Chris Ward and Georgette Gomez are 100% responsible for these dangerous, deplorable conditions. They are the gay and lesbian Democrat Socialists who force the communities to tolerate the homeless anarchists who destroying San Diego and spreading the Coronavirus Pandemic. My photographs do not lie. Politicians do.

In my extensive thirteen years of documenting the sources of the corruption and degrading third world conditions in City Heights and the last twenty years reporting on the corruption in Hillcrest and North Park I have uncovered multiple churches in the area where sexual abuse and other related crimes and violations of the Megan's Law sex offender registry have occurred. Underlying the horrific environmental pollution, rampant municipal code violations, prostitution and illegal drug trafficking, deplorable neglect by the city and the non-existent financial and business investment and redevelopment in the community of City Heights is the reality that for the last four decades indifferent, apathetic, corrupt Democrats have represented City Heights on the city council. 

Democrats Christine Kehoe, Toni Atkins, Todd Gloria, Marti Emerald and Georgette Gomez have all represented City Heights on the City Council. The evidence is irrefutable that these five Democrats have destroyed City Heights and left it looking like a primitive third world country rather than a modern, thriving community in the eighth largest city in the United States. The sexual abuse crimes as well as the filthy, unsanitary and dangerous environmental conditions at Mid-City Church of The Nazarene accurately symbolizes the abuse and demoralizing decay and poverty that have been inflicted upon City Heights by Socialist Democrats like Todd Gloria who represented City Heights on the city council for four years until redistricting in 2012 moved City Heights into the newly created District 9 and the utterly failed "leadership" of Democrat Socialist Marti Emerald. 

Todd Gloria is now campaigning to become San Diego's next mayor in 2020. Todd Gloria is fond of declaring to City Heights voters when he wants their votes at election time that he was born and raised in City Heights where his family still lives. Under Gloria's leadership multiple backroom deals were made with redevelopers right before the 2007-2008 great recession and the collapse of the real estate industry. As a result of Gloria's corrupt deals City Heights' main territorial economic entry point on University Avenue became a massive abandoned property eyesore that remains abandoned to this day. That property just happens to be located directly across from the Mid-City Church of The Nazarene. The community has never recovered economically or morally after Gloria's corruption devastated City Heights. 

The abandoned boarded up property at the entrance of the main economic street in City Heights on University Avenue and the I-15 northbound and southbound freeway has remained a major eyesore and a depressive economic albatross around the neck of any financial plans to bring prosperity to City Heights ever since then-City Councilman Todd Gloria made a backroom deal to redevelop the property. According to sources at the adjacent elementary school Todd Gloria blocked the school's attempts to use a nearby abandoned parking lot that the school wanted to use as a garden so the economically-challenged students at the school could plant a garden to grow their own vegetables to supplement their deficient diets. As a result of Gloria blocking the school's efforts to plant the garden so the students could learn gardening and making their own salads and salad dressing for their lunches the school was forced to use small planters inside of the campus which limited the students ability to produce sufficient produce to meet their needs. It was conveyed to me that Gloria's deal with the redeveloper collapsed during the 2007-2008 great recession and he blocked any future attempts by anyone to use the abandoned properties around the boarded up property because he wanted to control any future redevelopment deals with the property. That is why the property remains abandoned and undeveloped.

A few weeks before the March 3rd primary election bulldozers and dumptrucks were suddenly brought in to tear down the abandoned building and remove any evidence that the abandoned property had been there. Bulldozers created a huge empty dirt lot and chain link fences were erected all around the lot. Nothing else was done to the property and it is now just a big empty dirt lot. 

After I had published scores of published articles over the last year about do nothing Democrat Socialist City Councilwoman Georgette Gomez who has done absolutely nothing for City Heights since she was elected in 2016 - including doing nothing to clean up the community or bring business investments to City Heights - she and her Democrat Socialist cronies had the abandoned property bulldozed over to cover up evidence of her absentee presence in City Heights for the last four years. She is now running for congress while Todd Gloria is running for mayor. This is a perfect example of how corrupt the Democrats are in San Diego and how they cause so much suffering for low income residents in the districts they represent. Then come election time they pull political stunts like bulldozing over an abandoned building to cover up the evidence of their malfeasance while manipulating voters into believing they are doing something to improve the community right before voters head to the polls. Our city is very sick right now and the cause of the sickness is a totally corrupt Democratic Party.

#Coronavirus #COVID19 #ToddGloria #AmmarCampaNajjar #GeorgetteGomez #SDPD #Democrats #Socialists #SanDiego #KelvinBarrios #Homeless #CityHeights #Hillcrest #NorthPark
#JamesHartlineReport #JamesHartline #AndreaCardenas #DarrellIssa #NathanFletcher #WillRogriguezKennedy #StevePadilla #SanDiegoFoodBank #NazareneChurch #Anarchists


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