Romney & Hitler Have Very Similar Game Plans: LDS Church, through Church News, praised Hitler, Nazi Germany
Video features Romney praising Hitler and France which just happens to be the nation that Romney fled to for 3 years to avoid the draft and serving in the United States military during the Vietnam War.
In 1933, the Mormon Cult was praising Adolph Hitler and his Nazi regime. In an article in the Mormon Cult newspaper The Deseret News titled, "Mormonism in the New Germany" cult writer Dale Cook wrote glowingly of Hitler, using almost identical language now used by Mormon Cultist Mitt Romney during his 2012 drive to takeover the United States presidency in 2012.
There are many similarites between the Mormon Cult and Nazism including the belief in a white superior race, cloning of a genetic superior breed that is free of what they classify as the undesireables (the 47%) and a messianic 1,000 year millenium reign which is to be ushered in by a "chosen one" leader of their cult. Titled, “Mormonism” in the New Germany,” and penned by the unfortunately over-enthusiastic Dale Clark, is grotesque in its effusive praise for Hitler. Here is an example:
“As a specimen of physical endurance Hitler can easily take his place along side the athletes who are usually taken as classic examples. His 14 year struggle which brought him to power in Germany put him to a terrific physical strain. Besides the great responsibility there has been trials and conflicts, and campaigning so strenuous that it has required his attention night and day, many times making it necessary for him to travel great distances by auto or plane, catching up on his sleep underway to fit him for the multitudes who would gather to hear him wherever he had time to stop.”
In the same manner that Hitler sought to establish The Greater Germany through his demonized Third Reich dictatorship, Mormons teach of their White Horse Prophesy where a "chosen one", a Mormon, would become president of the United States to rule over America and would usher in a 1,000 year messianic reign controlled by 144,000 Mormon elites. The Mormon Cult would usher in the reign of this chosen one by igniting chaos in America, a civil war between the well prepared and financed haves of the Mormon Cult and the have nots of those "other people" those "47%".
Like Hitler of the Nazis, Romney really believes that he is his cult's "chosen one," a theocraticial messiah who will be king of the Mormon Kingdom in the United States. Also like Hitler and the Nazis, the Mormon Cult has bribed and bought off neverly every major pastor and church leader to become part of their drive to establish Romney as a messianic ruler. And also, like the Nazis did to the church in Germany, the Mormon Cult and its Republican Party brethren have made the greedy church leaders willing stooges into something so sinister, so terrible in its coming spiritual demonism, that only a true prophet of the Lord will be able to stand the test and fight the good fight of faith against the evil.