The James Hartline Report Action Center
- On The Frontlines Of The Culture War -
June 9, 2008

Will You Take A Stand Against The San Diego Padres and
Their Promotion of the Anti-Family San Diego Gay Pride Event
That They Are Allowing At PETCO Park?

Celebration Of San Diego Gay Pride on July 11, 2008 at PETCO Park will include
celebrating with volunteers, supporters and allies of an organization that

promotes same-sex marriages, sexual lubricants, gay pornography, transvestites,
and men who dress up as nuns to mock the Catholic Church.

Gay Men's Chorus & MCC Choir Will Sing The National Anthem
During Padres-Braves July 11, 2008 Game at PETCO Park.

MCC (Metropolitan Community Church) Advocates Gay Marriage

and teaches that homosexuality is a "gift" from God.

(JHReport) In a year when the majority of Californians are fighting against an organized effort by radicalized gay activists to dismantle the institution of traditional marriage, the San Diego Padres have decided to play more than baseball in this battle over the future definition of family in America. After an enormous amount of controversy erupted in 2007 due to a Gay Pride celebration at PETCO Park, the San Diego Padres are once again attacking traditional family values by allowing another Gay Pride celebration at the ballpark during an upcoming July 11, 2008 game between the Padres and the Atlanta Braves.

This year's PETCO Park celebration of homosexuality, lesbianism and transsexuality will include the San Diego Gay Pride organization recognizing volunteers, supporters and allies of the gay community as well as celebrating with the organization that coordinates the annual porn-filled festival and parade. Last year's festival and parade included the gay sex dating service Interactive Male, the "Youth Queer Lounge", the gay porn company Helix Studios, the gay porn company Colt Studios, and the sexually sadistic "The Leather Realm" venue. Included in last year's parade that allowed small children to participate, were the porn store Romantix Adult Book and Video, the Atheist Coalition of San Diego, the Rubber Rose Sexuality Boutique, and the San Diego Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence is a group of men who dress up as nuns to mock the Catholic Church, oftentimes engaging in graphic and sexualized behaviors.

In addition to PETCO Park selling discount tickets to Gay Pride participants for the July 11, 2008 baseball game between the Atlanta Braves and the San Diego Padres, a number of homosexual musical choruses will join forces to sing the national anthem during the game. According to the San Diego Gay Pride website, the homosexual softball league known as America's Finest City Softball League has partnered with San Diego Pride to celebrate Out At The Park with their supporters and volunteers, as well as recognizing the GALA Choruses of San Diego. GALA Choruses of San Diego, part of a network of gay and lesbian choruses, will sing the National Anthem during the July 11th Padres game at PETCO Park in the heart of downtown San Diego.

Make no mistake about it. The Padres are not innocent bystanders in the battle by gay activists to dismantle the traditional definition of marriage and family in San Diego. By allowing the GALA Choruses of San Diego to sing the national anthem on national television as part of the various 2008 Gay Pride celebration activities in San Diego, the San Diego Padres are choosing to side with those who are fighting everything that Christians and other advocates of traditional family values stand for.

To further implicate the San Diego Padres in the role that they are playing in the promotion of this year's Gay Pride event at PETCO Park is information obtained from the website of America's Finest City Softball League (AFCSL). According to AFCSL, the gay softball league will once again be hosting a gay softball day with the Padres at PETCO Park. AFCSL is encouraging as many people as possible to attend the Padres game to gain free public exposure for the gay community at the ballpark. The group also states that the Padres will make a donation back to the gay softball league and the porn-promoting San Diego Gay Pride organization as a "thank-you" for the group ticket sales from the Gay Pride Day at PETCO Park.

The mission statement of the San Diego Men's Chorus (SDMC), a group that will be among the many gay singing groups performing at PETCO Park, makes it clear that their organizational goals are not limited to music. The SDMC website states unequivocally this: "To promote social progress and equality through the power of gay men's voices united in song." Additionally, the mission of the organization, broad in its scope, goes far beyond singing songs by stating : "Making unique and important contributions to the LGBT community and to the cultural landscape of the San Diego region."

In addition to the Gay Pride party at PETCO Park, the San Diego GALA Choruses will be joined by the Metropolitan Community Church (MCC), as they sing the national anthem. MCC is an apostate church that promotes same-sex marriages and teaches that homosexuality is a "gift" from God. One of the MCC churches in San Francisco has actually advocated that leather S & M sex should be accepted under the twisted doctrine of "Leather Spirituality." In allowing the MCC choir to sing the National Anthem, the San Diego Padres are going from playing a baseball game with leather gloves and baseball bats to supporting the immorality of leather sex and support for gay marriage.

Last year, San Diego Gay Pride, one of the biggest promoters of gay pornography in San Diego, partnered with the San Diego Padres to hold a PETCO Park gay pride event at the same time that the Padres had already scheduled a "Free Kid's Floppy Cap Giveaway" event at the ballpark. Over 100 child protection advocates held a protest outside of the ballpark entrance to warn parents not to bring their kids into the park while the gay pride event was being held. While Padres officials tried to calm the fears of the thousands of pre-teens who showed up at the same time that the team was allowing the Gay Pride celebration, evidence about the dangerous activities of San Diego Gay Pride were made available to parents by the protesters.

For their part, the Padres attempted to claim that they were innocent of any wrongdoing when they allowed the mixing of the youth event with last year's Gay Pride activism event. According to the Union Tribune, an official with the Padres stated that the team was caught in the middle and that the convergence of events was a "scheduling coincidence."

There will be no such claims this year by Padres' officials. By booking the gay activist music groups to sing the national anthem as part of this year's Gay Pride celebrations, the Padres are clearly showing their true rainbow colors in the culture war.

Indeed, by allowing participants of the anti-christian, pro-gay marriage Gay Pride celebrations to promote their agenda on national television during the July 11th game, the San Diego Padres are showing that they have little respect for the hundreds of thousands of Christian baseball fans who have helped to pay for PETCO Park, the recently built baseball stadium that wealthy Padres players and team owners now benefit from.

Pouring salt into the wounds that they intentionally inflicted last year, the Padres will once again allow PETCO Park to be used as a staging ground for the sexualized, anti-family agenda of the San Diego Gay Pride events. Complaints about the Padres allowing the Gay Pride celebration at PETCO Park is not about discrimination as gay activists would have the public believe. These complaints are, in fact, about standing up to the perverted ideals and history of San Diego Gay Pride, an organization which consistently promotes xxx gay pornography and mocks followers of the Catholic Church by allowing men dressed up as nuns to engage in sexualized mockery of the church during their parade. San Diego Gay Pride also has a history of hiring a pedophile clown to work around children in their festival and mixing minors with adults in sexualized situations.

~ The Battle Over Same-Sex Marriage ~

Because there is a historical battle over marriage underway in California, it is critical that corporations which profit off of the Christian Community stay away from siding with the radical gay agenda. There are two questions that the Padres must answer in facing up to their role in helping gay activists to promote their agenda of dismantling the traditional definition of marriage and family in California:
Question #1: Do Christians have a reasonable expectation that the Padres should
restrict organizations that promote pornography and the destruction of
traditional marriage from holding events at the park?
Question #2: Are the Padres willing to sacrifice the thousands of customers they
will lose over their promotion of the Gay Pride organization and its events?

PETCO Park history: Hundreds of millions of dollars given by taxpayers to build PETCO Park. Do the taxpayers have a right to expect the ballpark to avoid promoting sexual deviancy in compliance with the wishes of the hundreds of thousands of Christians who paid for the bonds on the ballpark? Thousands and thousands of Christians helped fund PETCO Park. Now, after getting the money from these taxpayers to build their new stadium, the Padres are allowing a promoter of gay pornography and gay marriage to hold a celebration at the park.

The Padres continue to manipulate the public so that they can maintain ticket sales at the same time that they are helping the San Diego Gay Pride organization to promote homosexuality, lesbianism and transsexuality to the mainstream public. While the churches in San Diego are currently engaged in a war to save the traditional meaning of marriage in California via an upcoming state constitutional ban on same-sex marriages, the San Diego Gay Pride organization is equally determined to stop that effort and see that same-sex marriages are legalized. For years, the San Diego Gay Pride festival has held same-sex commitment ceremonies as the mock-equivalent to traditional marriage ceremonies.

To keep churches coming to the ballpark, the Padres are allowing "Fellowship Night" at PETCO Park. This is one of the most despicable attempts by a sports corporation to get money from Christians at the same time that the corporation is supporting a homosexual organization that is determined to undermine the values of those same Christians.

Will You Make A Stand Against The San Diego Padres?

Will you make a stand against the San Diego Padres? Will you stand up and fight for the definition of family and marriage before it is too late?

Contact the San Diego Padres and tell them that you, your friends, family members and fellow churchgoers will no longer spend money with the Padres or go to PETCO Park until the Padres stop promoting events that hurt our family values.

Contact Information:
Padres Management:
email here

Karin Warner, Account Executive Ticket Sales, email:
Major League Baseball, Contact and Complain:
email here

Contact the Padres and tell them that you will no longer be buying Padres tickets or supporting the team until they start honoring their commitment to the Christian Community.

Let us know that you passed this urgent action alert along to your friends!

This has been a James Hartline Report Action Center -- Action Alert!
The James Hartline Report, Now Read Daily By Over 20,000 Concerned Citizens!

I Am Making My Stand in 2008!
Have You Started Making Yours Yet?

You can read other major Christian Conservative news stories
at California Christian News

James Hartline, Publisher
The James Hartline Report
Educating The Church
Fighting For Our Generation


Christocentric said…
Hi James!

Thanks for the alert! I hope people realize how important it is for us to take a stand against things such as homosexuality that contradict our faith. The homosexual agenda is so dangerous because not only because it wars against the soul, but also of the potential danger of our freedom of speech being take away!

I just read in today of the Canadian pastor who was banned and fined $5000 for preaching against homosexuality in his church! It's just a matter of time before that happens in our country as well!

Hopefully it won't...but if we sleep on this, it will!

Glad to have found your post and group!
Anonymous said…
We need a constitution amendment to make singing of the national anthem by homosexuals illegal. Once they start singing the national anthem they will become patriotic and will start demanding the right to vote, serving in the armed forces, and ... you can see where this is leading. Jesus would never approve of homosexuals singing the national anthem.
James Hartline said…
The issue is not a group singing the national anthem. It is the activist agenda of this particular group as part of an overall campaign to legalize gay marriage that is the issue.
Why isn't the choir singing outside of gay pride week at PETCO Park? Because they are trying to push a political agenda. And you can deflect all you want off of that reality by focusing on denying singers the right to sing, but this is a war to determine the future social fabric of America.
You can feign ignorance about the consequences for America for glorifying sin, but there are consequences. You want everyone else to suffer the consequences for your own self-serving agenda. And we Christians have a right and obligation to oppose that destructive agenda.
Singers can sing in any choir they want. However, not every choir has a political and social agenda. It is clear that the choirs singing for the Gay Pride event have a political agenda and we have just as much right to oppose it.
By the way, I have received an enormous amount of emails for our side on this issue, so I know that many are, in fact, pulling their financial support for the Padres. Let's see how long the Padres are willing to take the losses in money and games before they finally start honoring the hundreds of thousands of Christians who paid for the bonds on PETCO Park.
Anonymous said…
Yes James, and the and the religious right thinks they can control the success of major car manufacturers and commercial theme parks through their little " I don't approve of this" boycotts. I highly doubt that your veiled threats of bringing down PETCO park by boycotting will have any effect. Unless of course you report it to be such through your oft over-inflated/exaggerated claims of victory where you speak of yourself in the third person.
Anonymous said…
Mr Hartline;
You have moved and inspired us to indeed, make a stand. My wife and I (we were married in Canada but now, thankfully, New York recognizes out union so we share state paid employment benefits) had planned to spend that day at our summer house in Pennsylvania, but you have motivated us to travel to your fair city and to support the Pride events.

I am not entirely sure what your opposition to sexual lubricants stes from. Menop[ausal straight women benefit from their use, so you may not with to persue this particular part of your platform.

Are you aware that today the President of Brazil declared homophobia to be a disease of the mind? Is this disease and its debilitationg sequale the reason that ypu feel that your sexual orientation has changed?

At any rate, many thanks for inspiring me and other members of the New York Lesbian Professionals Group "Heterodoxy" to attend the events in San Diego. We look forward to seeing your city and perhaps you might even see us on TV being interviewed. I will be the Irish redhead.

Maura Hennessey
"The Lesbians: Changing America One Toaster Oven AT A Time"
Anonymous said…

Only Jesus can change them. You know that!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...

Only Jesus can change them. You know that!"

Yes, but Jesus is not against homosexuals. He did not say one thing about homosexuality. He did instruct us to love all people however.
James Hartline said…
For the comment:
"Yes, but Jesus is not against homosexuals. He did not say one thing about homosexuality. He did instruct us to love all people however."
Firstly, the statement that Jesus did not say one thing about homosexuality..." is not true and never has been true.
That is a statement that was created by a few deceptive gay activists who entered into the ministry about 40 years ago and decided to start altering Christianity and what the Bible actually says to accomodate their involvement in homosexuality.
The sad thing about that entire act of Biblical manipulation is the idea that someone would actually try to deceive people on an issue of sin, dooming people to hell if they don't repent of the sin of homosexuality, just so they can feel good about their own sexual desires.
The Bible says this: "What good does it do for a man or a woman to gain the whole world (including acceptance of one's sexual sins)and lose his or her eternal soul? I cannot think of a more ghastly thing, a more terrible thing then to lose your eternal soul and end up in hell forever, in torment, separated from God permanently, and stuck in the presence of satan and his demons, in agony, forever, without end and with no way of escape. And the saddest part of that is the fact that it is so very unnecessary. Why would a person forfeit eternity with God and all of the eternal love, peace and wonders of heaven that never cease because they considered fulfilling their sexual and carnal desires to be more important?
You can either choose to believe the lie that God accepts what the Bible calls sin, or you can repent as He commands us to do in order to be saved and then you will receive all of the eternal blessings that come with being a saved, born again child of the Most High God.
Everything that the false theologians of the homosexual movement advocate run completely counter to common sense, historically verified and accepted Christian doctrine.
With the homosexual minister, you never hear them talk about repentance. It's always acceptance of the sin with no repentance. And that, my friend, is what the Bible calls false teaching, and satanic delusion.
God has a plan for each human being. The Bible says that He created an individual plan for each one of us before the foundation of the earth. However, there is a problem with us getting to the place where we can come into holy covenant with a Holy God and Father to have this God-ordained plan put into action for us. The Bible says that all humans are exceedingly wicked before a Holy God. That is why Jesus had to come to eradicate the effect of sin in the world. Thus, when we come to Jesus, we must acknowledge our sin, and then repent of it, in order for our covenant relationship with God to commence and our ministry and destiny with Him to be activated. If you don't repent (which means having a change of mind about your sins and repenting of them)you cannot be born again and accepted by God the Father. It is that simple, you must change your mind and stop accepting the sin which God calls an abomination.
Man did not create the rules, God did. Thus, these false religious advocates for homosexuality, who, in the last 40 years, changed the rules, and are in complete rebellion to God and headed to hell. That is what the Bible says.
Who are you going to believe? Who are you going to entrust your eternal destiny to?
Are you actually going to doom yourself to hell because you weighed the pleasures of this life and involvement in homosexuality to be so much more important than a true relationship with the Living God? How could you do this to yourself? How could you do this to the Love of Jesus who was beaten, tortured, slaughtered, ridiculed, abused and murdered on a wooden cross, so that the consequences for your sin, and mine, could be absorbed into His beautiful sacrifice and we could go free from our sins.
The Bible says that if you continue to sin, than there is no longer a sacrifice for you and you are doomed.
If you do not repent, you will go before God and give an account for why you rejected the opportunity given to you by the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ and blatantly continued in the sin of homosexuality.
How incredibly sad, that a man would find more worth in homosexuality than all of the eternal life granted by God to those who repent and accept His precious gifts.
It is the devil's desire to steal from God as many of God's children as he can. The devil does this through deception and lies. And the devil financially rewards his servants. That is why there is currently, but oh so temporary, great prospertiy in the lifestlyes of the leaders of the gay movement. Satan uses their prosperity as bait to seduce as many as he can into following their path.

And in the world today, one of the biggest lies being perpetrated by the devil is the idea that homosexuality is not a sin, thus we should just accept it and embrace it.
Well, I have never accepted that lie. In fact, I DEFY THAT LIE! And that is why I am saved today. I believed what the Bible says and yes, what Jesus said about homosexuality, that it is a sin. I repented of homosexuality and now, as promised by the Word of God, I am completely free and in right standing with my Father in Heaven. After 30 years of sexual degradation, I am now completely free from homosexuality for eight years. I have never had any desire to go back to that madness. And you can be set free too.
It takes courage to stand up to a culture that is in rebellion to God. You can either go with the crowd and doom yourself with them, or you can stand with Christ as a messenger of His holy power and divine omnipotence.
Today is the day of salvation. Choose wisely, because you may not be alive tomorrow. And if you die in the sin of homosexuality, having rejected the Word of God, you will enter into eternal judgment with no way out, no second chances, no reprieves, no hope. You will be judged by God and sent to hell because while you were on earth, you heard the Bible, were given a chance to repent and you placed more value on homosexuality and fulfilling your sexual desires then you did on God's plan for your life.
Anonymous said…
That was a nice sermon you wrote but you completely ignored the fact that Jesus Christ never spoke out against homosexuality. In fact, there have been entire books written to support the possibility that Jesus was himself a homosexual. If you feel that Jesus was against homosexuality or homosexuals, please quote chapter and verse. One of the problems with religion today is that too many Christians are claiming to be speaking for God when the scriptures do not support their claims.

I am a child of God and I have already have the keys to God’s kingdom, eternal life, and heaven.
Where does your scripture say that you have to die before you receive all of these things.
I am also gay and God knows it because that is the way He created me. If I were to deny my sexuality I would be guilty of a very grave sin. My life is governed by the Holy Spirit, not the scriptures. The Holy Bible as we know it is a political document and has been altered many times. The world’s leading bible scholars and many churches are in agreement on this.
“The Jesus Seminar” founded by Robert Funk is a good place to start. The Jesus Seminar found that "Jesus did not regard scripture as infallible or even inspired”. I trust 85 highly qualified biblical scholars more than some contemporary fundamentalists.

We need to become more spiritual and less religious. Religion does not have a patent on truth. Too often religion makes claims that science has proven false. The creation story and the flood story have been proven false. Homosexuality as a sexual orientation was not known at the time the scriptures were written.

Even those Christians who claim that the Holy Bible is the inerrant word of God do not follow all of the rules laid out in the Bible. How many churches turn away divorced people, refuse to remarry a divorced person or even preach a sermon against divorce? Leviticus is filled with abominations that most Christians ignore. What is this all about? Why is it that fundamentalist Christians rant and rave about homosexuals but completely ignore the homeless hungry people? Why is it that these same Christians preach about abortion but fight against universal health care and other programs that would improve the lives of the living?
James Hartline said…
Why would you put more credibility into books written by men in support of homosexuality then you do the Bible? Are you upholding the same standard that you use to support the ideas perpetrated in these books claiming Jesus to be homosexualit when you are reading the Bible.
The Bible says that you cannot understand the Word of God without His Spirit granting you understanding. If you are living in sin, and embracing homosexuality, the Holy Spirit is not, and will not, rest upon your mind to give you understanding of the eternal Word of God.

And the Bible says that God is not a man that He should lie. There is absolutely NO basis in scripture, even remotely, to support the idea that God created you homosexual. That is simply, and utterly, the conclusion of a person under great deception.
The Bible says that satan is the author of confusion.
Your thoughts as conveyed in your posts are chalked full of confusion and are contradictory to everything that God has conveyed in His word.
Due to the fact that you do not even believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, complete and without error, then you cannot be accepted as the conveyor of Biblical truth. Your statements are so erroneous and theologically incorrect that it only adds to the weight of evidence pointing to you being in error as it relates to your own beliefs on homosexuality.
If someone is correct in their interpretation of the Word of God, there will be evidence of such.
The Bible says that you will know them by their fruit.
The fact that I was able to come out of homosexuality after thirty years of that sin demonstrates that I truly apprehended the real power of God and the truth of His word.
Jesus said in John 8:31-32 this:
"If you continue in My word, and obey it, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free."

Based upon the fact that you continue to live in sin, you are not only disobeying God's commandments, but you are not abiding in His word. Thus, you will will not be set free and will remain in dangerous bondage to the devil.
The Apostle Paul clarified the priority of living under the authority of the Holy Spirit of God as the director of the Christian's lifestyle. He wrote in Romans 8:
Therefore, brothers, we have an obligation–but it is not to the sinful nature, to live according to it.
For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live, because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.

In living in rebellion to God by embracing the sin of homosexuality you are NOT being led by the Holy Spirit, but are led by your own carnal nature and its impulses.

Jesus, Himself, warned us that in the last days there would be a revival of the sins of Sodom. He knew that as the last days worn on, the self-indulgent and carnality of man would once again give place to the homosexuality that was rampant in Sodom.
Jesus said in Luke 17:26,29-30:
"And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.
"Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.

And Jesus added to that prophetic warning to you and me this sobering statement:
"Remember Lot's wife!"
Why: Because as he states in Luke 17:33 if you are going to save your eternal life, then you must lose this carnal life:
Luk 17:33 Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.
The Apostle Peter further reiterated what Jesus conveyed about Sodom when he wrote:
For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly; And delivered just Lot, vexed with Sodom's filthy conversation of the wicked.
For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds.

And what were these evil deeds that Jesus and Paul and Peter were referring to?
The Book of Jude states:
"Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire."

You see, you follow teachers who take some scripture out of the Bible and twist it and come up with some false conclusion that has nothing to do with God's intent or the overall message of the Word of God, just so that they can lead others astray as they are living in deception.

All truths given to us by God are clearly laid out in the Bible. The Bible states that we are to interpret scripture with scripture and that there will always be Biblical consistency and continuity on any matter of sin. There is a common thread in the Bible which supports the truth about homosexuality and the terrible price that men will pay for staying in that sin.

You can allow yourself to be fooled by the foolish and you can allow yourself to be deceived by the deceived.

But, if you are heart is truly seeking to put God first in your life then you will deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Him. In denying yourself and picking up your cross to follow the Messiah, you cannot carry the baggage of homosexuality with you and still be holy. The Bible commands us to be holy as the Lord is holy!

The Book of Revelation gives us the final story on the matter of homosexuality.
Read it and be warned:
Revelation 22 states:
"Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city.
Rev 22:15 But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie.

Notice, particular that those who love and practice a lie will be doomed and left in hell outside of Heaven. It is a lie that homosexuality is accepted by God. And it is a grave sin to practice that lie. This passage states that the dogs (those who practice sodomy) and sexual immorality will be condemned with those who practice the lie.
And by the way, when you ask me to point out any scriptures where Jesus said anything about homosexuality: WAKE UP; Jesus is the one speaking to John in the Book of Revelation. The Book of Revelation is the words of Jesus:
Revelation 1:1 states:
THE Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servants--things which must shortly take place. And He sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John.

Go ahead, keep deceiving yourself, if homosexuality is worth the eternal destruction of your soul.
Anonymous said…
I understand that conservative Christians believe that the Holy Bible that most people read today is the inerrant, infallible word of God. Even though I am a Christian, I do not believe that the Bible is inerrant. The Bible was written by men whose writings were determined by knowledge that existed at the time, Pagan cultures that existed at the time of their writings and political concerns. The Bible was written in a pre-scientific age and the authors of scripture had no knowledge of evolution and the nature of human sexuality. Their writings reflect this lack of knowledge. Certainly their writings were “inspired” by the Holy Spirit but it was not dictated word for word. The Bible that Protestants use today was created by the Catholic Church from a vast amount of religious writings that existed at the time. Some of these writings and concepts were taken from Pagan religions of that era. Some of these writings were modified because of political and social concerns of that era.

Today we live in a scientific age. We know that all life evolved from lower forms of life. This was not known when the book of Genesis was written. Today we know that human sexuality is very complicated and very diverse. There is much scientific evidence that points to a genetic origin of homosexuality and bi-sexuality. This was not known when the Old Testament was written. Jesus did not address the issue of homosexuality directly. Contemporary biblical researchers have indicated that indirectly he did approve of homosexuality, and in fact could have been homosexual himself.

Most Christians today believe ,as I do, that the Bible is “inspired”, not inerrant. Most Christian churches today are evolving under the influence of the Holy Spirit and are becoming less condemning of other lifestyles, including the gay lifestyle. Jesus did not leave a long list of thou shalt nots. He basically gave us one commandent, “that you love one another, as I have loved you”. He also said that “whosoever” believeth in me shall have everlasting life. He did not say, “except homosexuals”. I know that the Apostle Paul had different ideas, but then Paul did not die for my sins and he was a mere mortal.

I live by the Holy Spirit, not the Holy Bible. Before he left Jesus said, (John14:16-17), “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot received because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him; but ye know him for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.” Jesus also said (John 3:5) ..except a man be born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.”

The Holy Spirit is my guide and teacher and I know that God approves of my gay lifestyle. I speak as not one who hopes to enter the Kingdom of God and see heaven but as one who lives in the Kingdom of God NOW and enjoys the fruits and promises of heaven which God promised to all who would seek.
James Hartline said…
Well, that's the end of that discussion. You can call yourself whatever you want. You clearly are not born again or following the Bible. You merely use the label Christian for some political agenda to manipulate people into believing that somehow you can engage in homosexuality and have the same standing with God as those who follow the Bible. Sadly, you have decided to embrace your deception and you have to live with the horrific consequence for your own sad decision.
Jesus said that you must be born again, you must repent and you must be saved to enter into His kingdom.
The rules that you are establishing for yourself have nothing to do with what Jesus has commanded.
I have no more time to waste in a theological discussion with you as you are not going to follow Christ's teachings or the Bible.
Anonymous said…
Hi- My name is Jason. I have read all of these comments and I think the discussion has gotten off topic. The topic was about homosexuals at the ballpark. The Bible has nothing to do with it. The ballpark is a publically owned facility and the civil code governs its use, not the church laws.

As someone pointed out, homosexuals have a right to sing at the ballpark. They also have a right to peacefully promote a political agenda while there. I read somewhere that in August the ballpark is hosting a Christian night. We have a right to be there and we have a right to promote our political or religious agenda while there. The public square is open to everyone.
Christians also have a right to stage a protest on the sidewalk outside. Why don’t we. Just complaining about things we don’t like will get us nowhere. We need to take action.
Thanks for reading. Jason
Anonymous said…
James, Please get your facts correct the SD Sisters are made up of men and women and not all of us are gay.
Anonymous said…
Respectfully, I need to point out to you that there is no basis in the Bible for believing that the Earth moves around the Sun or is a globe, yet both are scientific fact.

You've not yet provided the quote from Joshua Bar Jospeh condemning homosexuality, by the way.

Further, the United States is officially, at least when I was studying law, a Secular Republic founded upon Enlightenment Principles. I don't think that I have to remind you of the wording of the Treaty of Tripoli that was negotiated during the Washington Administration and passed unanimously during the Adams administration.

Gay marriage is now legal in California and Massachusetts; it is recognized in New York, and is likely to become legal in New Jersey shortly.

There are devout and believing Christians who disagree with the fundamentalist interpretations of the Bible. Are you willing to say that they are not Christians?

Maura Hennessey
The Lesbians: Recruiting to Change America
Anonymous said…
I want to thank you for and compliment you upon your courage and intellectual honesty is permitting opposing viewpoints to be expressed upon your blog. Though we may never agree upon anything, you will always have my respect for this.

Maura Hennessey
Anonymous said…
Hey James! Just wanted to say that I'm another person who was feeling kind of iffy about going to the game, but thanks to your post, both I and my wife - married in Massachusetts, now recognized in California - will be heading out to the ballpark! See you there!

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